Chapter 2

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My door swung open at six o'clock, and Danny's groan filled the room. "Are you kidding me, Jess? You're still working? It's been an hour! Do you ever take a rest," he asked as he moved up behind me, rested his chin on my shoulder, and put both of his hands on my thighs. "This is the exact same screen as earlier... Are you just reading this stuff over and over?"

I leaned back into his warm embrace and sighed. "Yeah... I mean I kinda of have to. You can't spend a shit ton of money only for stuff to be wrong. We've like four people reading these names like five times each to make sure we don't have any screw ups," I mumbled and blinked slowly. "People do it for the Pats all the time. Like, I'm sure your name has been spelled wrong. How would you feel if you just spent 20,000 dollars on a campaign and something was wrong with it?"

Danny sighed and moved my hair to the side so he could place a trail of kisses along the side of my neck. He removed his hot lips from my cold skin and he let out a small huff. "Yeah.. I get your point... But can we please just get going? I'm starving."

"I only have about four more names, Babe. Then I can do my makeup and we can go," I mumbled as I continued to read the names again.

He tensed up a bit and hooked his chin over my shoulder again. "Babe, you don't need any makeup. You're absolutely beautiful. You can just ago as you are," he practically whispered.

I got goosebumps from his hot breath brushing past my ear. I sighed. "If you're gonna take me out to dinner, then I need to look presentable," I told him as I pulled from his grip. I closed my laptop and sighed— I wasn't going to get anything done with Danny around.

"Babe, you always look presentable! You're absolutely perfect," he mumbled as I turned around. He looked like a piece of candy, damp hair from a shower, beautiful dark stubble hugging his chiseled jawline, adorable brown eyes looking at me, and he was wearing dark wash jeans that hugged his body perfectly, and a black button down.

How did I get so lucky to have a man this hot, yet adorable at the same time?

I took a stride toward him and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. "I love you, Dola,"

He put his hands on my waist and smiled down at me. "I love you, too, Jess. So much." Danny pushed our foreheads together and his lips met mine.

I deepened the kiss by pulling him closer to me. His fingertips dug into my sides as his tongue began to trail my bottom lip; I quickly let him in as he began to back us over to the couch. When my legs hit the back of the couch, my knees buckled, making me fall back onto the couch.

Danny never broke contact. He slowly crawled on top of me, straddling me as my hands moved to his stubbly face. After a few seconds, we pulled away from each other; completely out of breath.

He smiled down at me and left a quick peck on my nose. "I love ya, Babe."

I playfully rolled my eyes as I ran my hands through his dark hair. "I love you, too... Now I'm hungry! Let's go... Then the faster we can get back here."

A smirk found its way onto his face. "I agree. Let's get going," he crawled off of me and held his hand out to help me up.

I rolled my eyes as him and leaned forward to kiss his cheek while I brushed past him. He stayed where he was, frozen to the floor, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of my apartment with me.

As we waited for the elevator I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Where did you want to go to eat, Babe?"

He was squinting down at me before he shrugged. "I don't know. You pick... I pay," he replied as the doors slid open and we moved in.

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now