Chapter 22

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"So you two are back together then," Victoria asked as she took a sip from her soda. Her blue eyes were looking back at me contently.

I nodded. "Yeah... And I'm not even kidding, Danny was so amazing with Zack! Like just too damn adorable. It made me melt each time the two interacted," I told her and pouted a bit. "It... It makes me want to have kids... But like... I don't know if there would be a good time for it because of my job or his... We're just always busy... And... Ugh!"

Victoria just smiled at me. "If you want kids... Then have kids. I don't see that big of a problem with it. My big problem, though, is that you freaking haven't let me meet him yet! I know you've been having little problems, but both you and Jules talk about him and I really wanna meet him," she complained with wide eyes.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "You'll meet him... I'll tell you what, we can plan a double date... Okay? Especially now that, you know, you two are boyfriend and girlfriend! You gotta tell me! How did he ask? He refused to tell me."

The smile on her face got even bigger. "Oh! He was so sweet... We're just like walking through the park and he just stops as I keep walking and pulls me back by my hand. I look at him like he's crazy and I'm like 'Jules, it's getting late, we should probably head back before it gets dark', and he pulls me to him, he brushes the hair out of my eyes and practically whispers 'Make me one of the happiest guys ever and be my girlfriend'. And I gaped up at him before our lips smashed together... And then," she trailed off and shrugged, "Ya know, we went back to his and... had mind blowing sex."

My jaw dropped. "That is so sweet! But, my goodness, I'm glad that I decided to not stay the night. I'd never be able to live with myself if I had to listen to that!"

"But you babysitting is what got you and Danny back together! That's great! You being happy is what's really needed, and Danny makes you happy," she exclaimed.

I blushed but nodded. "That's true. He does make me happy— really happy." I shrugged.

"Alright, are you ready to go? I've gotta head back to work," I told her as I began to push my chair back.

She grabbed her take out box and nodded. "Yeah. Thank you for grabbing lunch with me! I'm glad that we could meet up. I know you're really busy."

"It's no problem! And it's finally nice to be able to pay for myself! Danny never lets me pay," I complained and rolled my eyes as we walked out of the restaurant.

She nodded in agreement. "I completely understand," she replied with a roll of the eyes. "Jules is the same way."


When I got back to the office, and fell back into my office chair, my stomach rumbled. I rolled my eyes. "How the fuck am I already hungry? I ate all my lunch and had no left overs," I mumbled as I opened my laptop and began to work on answering the 10 emails that I received during lunch.

As I was typing my desk phone rang. "Bruins marketing team, this is Jess, how can I help you," I asked as I continued to focus on my computer screen.

"Hey Jess," coach Claude Julien said, "I was wondering if you could do me a favor and email me the list that you had at the beginning of the season of all the names. It appears that I've lost it."

I nodded. "Yeah... I can definitely do that," I replied as I leaned all the way back in my chair.

"Okay, thank you. I really appreciate it. I'll see ya tomorrow at practice."

"Yep, no problem Claude," I replied as we hung up. I leaned forward and stopped when the button of my pants digging into my stomach pinched me.

I sighed and looked down. I was unfortunately pretty bloated from eating all of my chicken with broccoli and rice.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back a bit so I could be a little more comfortable— note to self, have a salad for dinner.


When I got home that night, Danny was waiting for me to make dinner.

"Hey Babe," he greeted as he bounded down the steps from the loft. "How was work today?"

"It was great," I mumbled as we wrapped our arms around each other. My lips quickly found his. "Vic and I met for lunch today. She still really wants to meet you. I told her and you, me, her, and Jules would have to have a double date sometime."

I nodded and smiled. "That sounds like a great idea. Hey, what do you want for dinner?" He asked as he pulled me closer to him.

"How does salad sound? I ate way too much at lunch today," I admitted as I pulled away, but stayed in his grasp. "I literally ate a whole damn order of the chicken with broccoli. And all the rice! Ugh, my pants actually were like super tight."

Danny's brown eyes rolled. "Who cares, babe? You're allowed to pig out, you realize that... right? That's one of my favorite things about you. You're not a damn size 0 and you actually eat real food."

I just shook my head. "I still ate way too much. I'm having a salad," I told him as I rested my head against his chest.

Danny sighed, but nodded. "Okay, Babe. That's fine. Do you want chicken or salmon?"

I yawned, then shrugged. "I don't know, surprise me," I mumbled and pulled out of his grip. "I'm gonna go and change into comfy clothes. I'll be right back."

Danny let out a sigh, but made his way to the kitchen. When I was done getting changed, I walked into the kitchen to see Danny seasoning some chicken and then sliding it into the oven. He turned around, leaned against the counter and watched as I sat down across from him.

His brown eyes were soft as he looked at me. "So your day was okay then? Nothing too crazy? I'm worried about you. You always seem to be so tired lately," he mumbled. His brown eyes were flooding of concern.

I shrugged. "Yeah, I was fine all day. Just drank some Mtn Dew at lunch and now I'm fine," I mumbled.

He nodded slowly as he reached his hands across the counter and placed them on top of mine. "I don't think I tell you enough; I love you."

I rolled my eyes and flipped my hands so I could grab his. "I love you, too, Danny. But seriously... this food better cook faster. I'm starving!"

A smile found ya way to his face and he rolled his eyes. "You're so funny, Jess. I can give you the salad and then give you the chicken second."

I nodded rapidly. "That sounds absolutely amazing," I said, my eyes wide.

Danny chuckled as he pulled his hands from mine. "Your wish is my command, Jessica."

I threw my head back and groaned. "Ugh! Don't call me that!"

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now