Chapter 10

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I wiped the sweat off my brow and lifted the final box into the pile of stuff from my kitchen. My kitchen was officially all packed and now I had to move on to my living room. When I began to fill the box, there was a knock at my door. I sighed and got up, I wasn't surprised when I pulled my door open to find victoria standing there with a pastry box in her hands as well as a tray with coffee cups.

"Hey Victoria! Its great to see you! You've gotta be excited about moving in later today," I said with a smile. "Come on in! I'm just working on packing up my living room!"

"Hey Jess, I've brought donuts to get us started on this lovely Boston Day... I know it's already Noon... but... ya know... oh well! When is your friend going to be over," she asked as she sat down at the bar.

I shrugged. "He's on Danny's team... They actually started playing like five minutes ago," I replied as I looked over at the time on the stove. "So it won't be until like five tonight."

"Oh! If he's coming... then is Danny coming to help move too? Do I get to meet your beau," she was beginning to get excited as she pulled a donut from the box and began to munch on it.

"I don't think so. He said he has to have some meetings with the trainers today after the game," I lied with a shrug as I reached for the other donut. "Hey! You got sprinkles! My favorite!"

She only laughed at me and shook her head.


My phone stopped playing 'Before He Cheats' by Carrie Underwood and began ringing. "Ugh! Ruining such a great song," Victoria complained as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see Jules was calling and it was already 5:15.

"Hey Jules," I answered with a smile on my face. "Great game."

"Thanks, Jess! I've got the moving truck down stairs... I'll be right up," Julian said, sounding very chipper for taking quite the hit during the fourth quarter.

"We'll be waiting for you," I replied happily.

"We? Who is we?" He sounded beyond confused, but curious.

"Well The person who is moving into Danny's old place is actually here. I helped her with her stuff earlier today... So she said she'd help me with mine," I told him.

"Oh! Okay... I'm in the elevator now... okay.. I'm getting off." I sighed, walked out of my bedroom, and pulled my door open.

Julian came walking in with a dolly and a big smile on his face. "Hey Jess! You ready to get this shit outta here," he asked excitedly.

His blue eyes left me, and focused on something behind me. "Oh, h-hi! I'm Julian, it's nice to meet you," he quickly said and did a little half wave.

I turned around to see Victoria standing there, looking slightly flustered. "H-hi! I'm V-Victoria, it's nice to meet you," she said, looking at him as he shifted her weight from foot to foot.

Oh lord... here we go...

I sighed as I looked around my empty apartment. My home for the past three years was completely empty, now I was on a new journey.

Jules and Victoria left me alone to reminisce on "all the great memories" so they could slip into her apartment. I shuffled into my old bedroom and let a few tears slip. It was where Danny and I made love for the first time... Where we spent endless hours snuggling... Where we spent hours upon hours just appreciating each other...

I shook my head. As I wiped my tears away I couldn't help but question if I was doing all of this for no reason. What if Danny and I were really done? I shook my head. I couldn't let those thoughts affect me.

I moved out of my apartment and closed the door, not knowing if it was like me closing the door on Danny and I's relationship.

Maybe I should rethink about having kids for the sake of my own happiness.

*** Danny's POV ***

I sighed as I fell into my empty bed, in my dark room. The game today seemed to be much harder on my body than normal; a large, dark, bruise was forming on my right thigh, and I just couldn't shake the ache.

It was then that I realized what was hurting the most; my heart. Jess would be getting back today, and I haven't heard from her since Friday night. I was really beginning to miss having her next to me at night. I missed having someone else's warmth just a foot away from me more than half of my day.

To make everything worse, it was the day before my birthday. The next day, the two of us were supposed to relax in bed all day and do absolutely nothing because she had off from work. If I could have anything for my birthday, in a heartbeat, I'd ask for Jess... Ask for a sign that she still loves me...

After all the time I had to think about our situation, I was willing to make a sacrifice... We didn't have to have kids... I'll always be happy with her and only her.

I didn't realize I was crying until I tasted the saltiness of my tears on my lips. I rolled to my right side, so I was facing where she would normally sleep. "Jess, babe... Please. I want you... I need you... I miss you."

I have no clue what overcame me, but I rolled back to my other side and grabbed my phone off of the night side table. I clicked on the contact.

It rang a few times and then the lines were connected.

"Hey, Dola, what's up man," Julian's happy voice answered.

"Jules..." I had to sound so broken, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I needed to talk to someone, I had to let down my walls.

"Hold on a second man," he mumbled and then it sounded like he was walking somewhere, and he was talking to someone.

There was the closing of the door, and I was put on speaker. "Okay, man, what's up?"

I sniffled and sucked in a shaky breath. "Am I on speaker?" I questioned before I began to spill my problems.

"Yeah, you are... But I'm in my room all alone. No need to worry Bubs, now what's up," Julian asked, concern in his voice.

"I-I... Jules... I fucked up. I haven't talked to Jess in two days, and I swear I'm going to lose her. I can't lose her. I'm a mess! I-I'm falling apart and I don't know what to do. Jules... I need something to take the pain away. I... She doesn't want kids... And... And I'm okay with that... But... I walked out on her and I don't know what to do... I love her..." I began sobbing, but stopped myself when I heard a door slam on Julian's end.

"Jess," Julian called out, gand the line went dead.

Hope y'all enjoyed! Comments and feedback are appreciated! :)

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