Chapter 19

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"Jess, you don't have to go anywhere," Julian said as he watched me throw my stuff into a duffle bag.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes I do. You're going to ask Victoria to be your girlfriend tonight... and we all know what you're going to do after that... So it's best I stay in a hotel room tonight," I replied as I stopped packing my overnight bag to look at him.

He was leaning up against the door frame with his arms crossed. It took him a second, but he finally had a smirk growing on his face. "Okay, yeah... you're right," he admitted.

"Damn right I am." I sighed and fell back onto the guest bed. "I'll get outta your hair soon, Jules. I've been looking at apartments."

Julian sighed and shook his head. "I told you that you can stay here as long as it takes. I know you and Dola will be fine. So just stop looking for apartments and go and make up and make out with Danny," Julian advised.

"It's been a week, Jules. I've done nothing but work in that time, let alone think about Danny and I working on patching up our relationship," I told him and let out a huff.

"It's been a week and you're both suffering. Just walk two doors down, walk in the house, the one that's yours whether you think so or not, and fucking pounce on him in bed. That's where he is when he's not training because he completely refuses to do anything. His heart is broken, Jess! Completely broken," Jules scolded.

I sighed. "So is mine. I-I'm too afraid to confront him! I was in the wrong... and if I were him I'd just give up because I'm not worth all the crazy emotions. I feel like I'm a toxic factor in this relationship," I complained with an eye roll.

"Jess! Never say that! You're worth it. You're especially worth it to someone, like Danny, who loves you with all his heart and hates the thought of you not being around." Julian's blue eyes were wide.

"I'm sorry, Jules... It's... I just can't seem to keep out of the drama lately. I'm terrible." I sighed and covered my eyes.

"Je-," Julian began, but was cut off by my phone ringing.

I sighed and pulled it from my pocket, without even checking the caller ID. "Hello," I asked into my phone as I lied back and closed my eyes.

"Hey Jess... It's Patrice. I know this is really short notice... But could you maybe watch Zack tonight into tomorrow morning? Our sitter cancelled on us because of a family emergency," Patrice's frantic voice asked.

I sucked in a breath, opened my eyes, and nodded. "Yeah, I can. What time do you need me," I said.

"At like five if possible," he replied.

"Yeah. Okay, I'll be there. Can you send me your address? I've only been there once."

"Sure. Thank you so much, Jess! I'll see you in a little bit." He thanked then hung up.

"Yep." I pulled my phone from my ear. I placed it on the bed, sat up and looked at Julian. "I've got a place to stay tonight. So no need to worry about me being in a hotel room."

Julian sighed. "What do you mean," he asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Bergy asked me to babysit for him tonight because their sitter cancelled."

Jules only nodded.


"Hi Jess! Thank you for coming on such short notice," Stephanie answered the door with a big smile on her face.

I nodded. "Hi Steph. No problem at all," I replied and adjusted my bag on my shoulder. I looked over her and noticed she was in a really nice dress. When Patrice came around the corner from the kitchen, he was bouncing their 3 month old baby boy in his arms.

"Hi Jess... He just woke up from a small nap," Patrice greeted. "We really appreciate this. Just make sure you feed him at like five thirty... And the guest bedroom right off the living room is all yours. Now, we've really gotta go... We'll be back around 10 tomorrow morning," he informed.

Zack was shifted into my arms, and I smiled down at him. "Hi, buddy. How are ya," I asked as I looked down at him.

Both Patrice and Stephanie slipped out, so Zack wouldn't be distracted by his parents leaving. Once they were both out, I looked out the window to see the two looking at each other lovingly on the passenger's side of the car. Patrice leaned in and kissed Stephanie. She moved away, her hands moved up to his chest, and she smiled up at him.

I felt a pang in my chest at seeing them so happy. It really made me miss Danny, miss what we've always had. Zack began to shift in my arms and I looked down at him.

His big eyes were looking up at me and his mouth was open just a bit. He looked absolutely adorable. "You're so cute, Buddy. Yes you are." He just looked up at me and laughed a bit.

I continued to smile as I sat down on the couch and adjusted him in my arms. It was like he snuggled into my arms a bit more. The smile on my face grew.

Zack was just so adorable.

The next few hours went by like a breeze... When it came time to put him to bed, I put him down in his crib, where he nearly fell asleep in seconds.

I sighed as I reached over and turned the monitor on. Then slipped out of the room and turned the lights off.

Next, I bounced down the steps and made my way to the guest bedroom where I pulled on some sleeping clothes. After I was done, I sat down on my bed and grabbed my phone.

My lock screen was still a picture of Danny and I, and it made me let out a sigh as I shook my head. I unlocked my phone and pulled up all my photos, where I looked at all my photos of Danny and I.

"I miss you so much." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

I sat there and thought about Patrice and Steph. They looked beyond cute together... and... the child that they had upstairs showed just how much they love each other.

I stopped on a picture of Danny and I. We were dancing at a charity event and he was looking down at me with a smile on his face and I was looking up at him with the same one.

Tears began to fall down my cheeks.

** Sorry, this is kinda a filler! Hope y'all enjoyed!

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