Chapter 5

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"Thanks for the ride, man. We'll be over to your place after we're done touring," Danny said as we got out of the car and joined hands.

"Alright. Have fun you two! Don't let the fact that you'd be two doors down from me be what makes you get it," Julian called as he walked away.

I waved at him without even looking at him. "He's so ridiculous," I mumbled as we made our ways into the fenced in area. The landlord was already there, standing on the steps waiting for us.

"Hey Mike," Danny greeted as he shook hands with the landlord.

"Hey, Danny... And you must be Jess, it's great to meet you," he said and stuck his hand out ot me. I let go of Danny's and shook his.

"It's great to meet you too, Mike. Thank you for letting us tour today. I've been quite busy with work lately," I informed as my hand met Danny's again.

"It's no problem. You guys can have as long as you'd like... Just let me know when you're done and what you think of the place. All of the furniture is leaving, but the oven, dishwasher, and that type of stuff is staying... Alright. I won't keep you," he talked quickly, and had a thick Boston accent.

"Thank you," Danny and I said at the same time as Mike opened the door and ushered us in. We closed the door behind us and looked around. The walls were a deep red, creativing a warm environment. It was beautiful.

"This is amazing babe," I mumbled as I looked around, the living room was huge, and opened into the rather large kitchen where there were dark granite countertops and silver appliances.

Danny popped up behind me as I looked around the kitchen. "It is... Wait until you see the master," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me and hooked his chin over my shoulder. "It's amazing... And there's plenty of room."

I sucked in a small breath. My heart was beginning to beat faster. "I-Is it now?" I turned around in his arms and looked into his eyes. They read of hunger and love. "W-We won't be able to test it out now... Maybe once we get the place."

The smile on Danny's face got bigger. "Babe, you wanna go check it out? And the other rooms? There's the loft too... Which is honestly the perfect place to snuggle all day long," he whispered as he began to direct us to the bedroom right off the kitchen and living room.

When we walked in, I was stunned. It was beyond big. It had to be twice the size of Danny's bedroom. The walls were a dark grey and there was a large window that showed the view of the Prudential Tower in the distance. "Look at the view," I whispered as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the window with me.

He turned me so I was facing him, and brushed a bit of hair out of my face. "The only view I care about is you," he whispered as his lips met mine. When he pulled back, he smiled at me. "I love you so much... And I can't wait to fuck you into tomorrow in this room."

I pulled back and scrunch my eyebrows together. "Who said that I actually wanted to move here," I asked playfully. "We'll be really close to Jules! That can't be good!"

Danny smiled down at me, a shine in his beautiful brown eyes. "You know you'd love it. It could be Burger Tyme and Smoothie Tyme like all the time," he joked with a small chuckle.

I laughed and pulled away from him. "You're right babe. Now let's go look at the rest of the place," I whispered as I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room.

When we finished looking around, we leaned up against the kitchen island as we looked at each other. "How do you want to split up the payment," I asked as I placed my hand on top of his.

He just smiled and shook his head. "There's no splitting up the payment, Babe. That's all on me. I told you. As long as you're with me you don't have to spend a dime."

I shook my head. "No! You're letting me pay," I argued. "I don't care! I'm giving you some money and you're going to take it!"

He shook his head. "There is no way, Jess. No freaking way," he argued. I took my hand off of his and crossed my arms, as I tapped my foot. "Ugh! Fine! You can pay half of the taxes. That's it! That's all I'll ever let you pay!"

A smile found its way onto my face and I jumped up and down. "Yes! Thank you!"


After we headed over to Mike's and told him we'd be taking the place, we went over to Julian's. "Hey neighbors," he greeted with a smile on his face as he ushered us inside. "I've made us burgers to celebrate this big opportunity!"

I laughed. "Opportunity?! You call this an opportunity," I questioned as we followed him into the kitchen and sat down on the island as he cut the stuff to put on burgers.

"Of course I do! It's not every day your two best friends, who are like hard core dating, move in like right next to you," Jules exclaimed. He looked up at us with an excited expression. "Oh! By the way, would you guys like something to drink?"

"I'll just have a water," I mumbled as I jumped off the stool I was on. "I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom." I kissed Danny on the cheek. As I began to move away, he slapped me in the ass, causing me to yelp.

I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the bathroom. I quickly did my business and began to make my way out of the room, but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Julian and Danny speaking about the new place.

"It's perfect because it's a little bigger than yours... When we have kids one day, there will still be a guest bedroom," Danny's voice said.

I slapped my hand over my mouth as I gasped and leaned against the wall in surprise. Kids? What? He wants kids? We've never talked about it... But... Oh god. He wants kids? How the hell am I supposed to break it to him that I don't want kids? I've never seen a child in my future... And as much as I love him... I don't know if I could do it.

I was shaken out of my thought by Julian speaking up.

"That's great man. I'm so happy for you. It's great to see you in a stable relationship... It's great to see you so happy," Jules responded. "Hey, I'm going to go throw the burgers on the grill... You and Jess can come out back once she gets out."

I sucked in a long breath and began walking down the hall-- act like you never heard it and talk about it later on, Jess.

"Hey, Dola," I began slowly as I rounded the corner and slid onto the stool next to him and took a sip from the glass Julian placed in front of my seat. "I was thinking..."

Danny looked at me with raised eyebrows and big brown eyes. "What were you thinking, babe," he asked as he brought a hand over and placed it on top of mine on the counter.

"For moving... When will we move? I'm so busy," I told him as I tried to get my stomach to settle. It was beginning to bother me-- He wants something that I don't...  Something I don't think I can give him.

"Well when you're on one of your road trips I could move all my stuff, and when you're here we can move all of yours? Hopefully we'll be able to move in by the end of the first week in November... And... Maybe we move my bed over there first... And we break in that new bedroom for my birthday," he said with a mischievous smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Danny! We're at Jules' house, don't talk like that here!"

"But I love you! And I just wanna show you that everywhere we go," he replied with a pout. His big brown eyes were looking back at me.

I sucked in a breath and shook my head. "Lets go outside. Isn't that where Jules is?" I jumped off my stool and grabbed my water, then scurried toward the back patio.

"Ugh! You're no fun, Jess," he called as he slowly followed behind me.

** feel free to let me know what ya think! :)

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