Chapter 20

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I just lied back into bed as Zack began to cry again. This was the third time that I went to take care of him in two hours. "Oh my god," I complained as I kicked the sheets off me and walked up the stairs again. When I got there, I scooped him up in my arms and checked to see if it was his diaper that needed changing... It wasn't.

I sighed as I began to rock him in my arms. He couldn't be hungry, because I just fed him... I tried to sush him a bit, but he still wouldn't stop crying. As he continued to cry, tears pulled from my eyes. "Please go to sleep Zack... Please... I'm tired... You've gotta be tired."

I fell into the wingback chair next to his crib and bounced him in my arms. "Come on Bud... come on. Please don't do this to me."

His crying only got louder.

I couldn't bother Patrice. Him and Steph had to be having a great night and I didn't want to bother them. That's when the thought popped in my head.

I slipped my phone out of my pocket and clicked on his contact. When I brought my phone up to my ear, it rang, and then we were connected.

"Jess," his sleepy voice asked after a second.

"C-can you please come help me," I asked as Zack began to cry even louder.

"I-... Jess where are you? And is that a baby crying," he questioned, sounding a lot more awake. "Jess?"

"I-I... He won't stop crying. Please help me." I began to cry harder as I shifted Zack in my arms.

"Yeah... Hold on..." There was the sound of scuffling on the other end of the line. "Can you send me your location?"

I quickly sent him my location as I balanced Zack in my arm and my phone in the other. "Okay... I'll... I'll be right there. Hang on, okay?"

I nodded as I began to cry harder.

Half an hour later, there was a knock at the door. I moved over and unlocked it. He came rushing in. "Jess!? Are you okay? Oh god. Here..." he held his arms out and I shifted Zack into his arms.

I began to wipe my eyes and watched him with the baby. The way that he looked down at Zack made my heart melt. His face was so soft and his eyes had a loving look playing in them.

"Hi there bud," he whispered as Zack began to calm down. I watched him as he spun around a time or two and the cries came to a stop.

He seemed like an absolute natural...

"How the heck can you do that and I sit with him for an hour and he just keeps crying," I complained with a sniffle.

He smiled up at me. "Magic." God, that beautiful smile.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Thank you for coming, Danny. It really means a lot. I've been... trying to calm him for I don't know how long. But my goodness. Just... thank you."

He nodded. "Where is this little guys nursery?" He asked, his soft brown eyes looking at me.

"Right up the stairs. Follow me." I sighed and made my way up the stairs with Danny hot on my heels.

He lied Zack down on the bed and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Babysitting for Patrice Bergeron?"

I nodded sleepily. "Yeah... He called me because their sitter cancelled. So... Here I am." I put both my hands up.

Danny sighed and playfully rolled his eyes. "Only you," he mumbled, but trailed off.

I sighed in return. "Listen... Danny... I'm sorry. I really am. I-I... Having this little break has been terrible. I was stupid to say I needed a break. The only thing it's done is made me realize how much I really do love you and depend on you," I admitted and pursed my lips.

Danny shook his head and took a few steps closer to me. "Jess," he began as he reached a hand out and grabbed my hand. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. It was all me. I let my jealousy get the best of me. It was extremely wrong of me to tell you to quit your job. I-I thought about what you said the other day... And yeah... You're right... If it were you telling me to quit football I'd say you were absolutely fucking nuts."

He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm really sorry, Jess. I really didn't mean to do any of this. And I just... I love you..." He smashed his lips into mine.

At first I was shocked, but I relaxed into the kiss and began to kiss back. When we pulled back to catch our breath, he was smiling down at me. "I-I... I love you too, Danny. Too much to express," I whispered, then let out a small yawn. "But... Can we please go to bed? I need sleep."

He nodded. "Yeah, babe... We can," he replied as I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me to the guest bedroom.

I slid into the bed, and Danny slid in behind me. He pulled me to him and rested his stubbled face in the crook of my neck. I relaxed into his warmth and closed my eyes.

"I love you," he whispered and tried to pull me even closer to him. "You're my everything, Jess. I can never get enough of you. Thank you for forgiving me."


"Yeah babe?" He nuzzled his face further into my skin. His stubble tickled.

"I get it... Can we both please fall asleep now? Please?"

He nodded into me. "Yeah, babe, yeah we can. I just love you... Goodnight. Sleep well, because I know I will."

I nodded against him, because it's true. I knew I'd be able to finally be at peace so I could get some rest.

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now