Chapter 27

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"We've got less than four months," I said as I bit into my egg sandwich the next morning.

Danny nodded from next to me. "Our parents are going to flip," he mumbled. "They'll think we've been hiding it from them."

I nodded. "Jules is going to flip," I mumbled.

Danny snorted and agreed. "Yeah... He'll be calling GodFather dibs right away." Danny had a smile on his face.

"Yeah. He will. Jules is gonna steal the baby at one point, I swear. Remember that time he tried to take Vivian home a few months ago," I pointed out with a small smile.

Danny chuckled. "How can I not!? Gisele like pulled him back into the house by his ear until he actually put Vivi down," Danny said with a smile. "God that was great."

"Only Jules would try to steal someone's kid," I said and rolled my eyes a bit.

Danny's eyes got wide. "Naming him the godfather will only 'give him more rights' to take it," Danny groaned with an eye roll. "I don't know if we can do that."

I chuckled a bit. "Are we telling him and Vick today at lunch when we all go out later," I asked after a second of silence.

He nodded. "Yeah, we probably should. Otherwise, Jules will kill us for not telling him," he said.

"We've gotta tell them about this too," I said as I held my left hand up, where the engagement ring was displayed.

"You gotta tell Vick. Jules has known," he said as he took a sip of his orange juice.

"How long has he known," I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Since you broke up with me," he said quietly. But when he looked up a smirk appeared on his face. "But he did tell me not to propose on New Years like I wanted to. He reminded me that you hate cliches."

I smiled and shook my head. "Wow, he actually listens."

"Of course he does, Jess, he's still pissed that you didn't tell him the truth about his place when it was all painted white," Danny responded as he rolled his eyes.


As we walked into the restaurant, Danny held my left hand, so it wasn't obvious.

"Danny for four," Danny said as the four of us stood in the corridor.

The hostess smiled and told us to follow her. We all quickly sat down and I put my hand on top of Danny's on the table as I looked across at Jules and Victoria.

Jules' blue eyes immediately noticed the sparkle on my finger, and a smile grew on his face. It took Victoria a minute, but when she picked up her glass of water to sip from it, her eyes went wide. She nearly spit out her water.

"Oh my god," she exclaimed as a smile appeared on her face. "I just fucking met you today, and you're like engaged to my best friend in Boston?"

Danny smiled, as did I. Julian chuckled and shook his head.

"So yeah, we're engaged," I said with a smile as I took my hand off of Danny's and held it up.

Victoria put her hand over her mouth. "Holy shit! That is such a beautiful ring. Danny, you have such a good eye."

I smiled at her then looked at Danny who had a big smirk on his face. "I mean she practically picked what kinda stones it would have without even knowing. I just picked her two favorites."

"That's so sweet," she exclaimed as she tilted her head and looked at the ring again.

The quickly whipped her head toward Jules and whacked in him the chest. "Why can't you be that sweet?! Do you even listen to me half the time?!"

Both Danny and I laughed as he turned to her with a fake offended look. "Of course I listen! You wanna get a Greyhound as a dog!"

She looked at him suspiciously. "You're off the hook... This time."

Danny and I continued to laugh.

"Why don't we get some wine to celebrate," Julian said with a smile as he looked back at Danny and I.

We both shook our heads.

Julian raised an eyebrow. "Come on! I know it's only like noon... But who really cares? Let's get a bottle," he exclaimed as he reach forward to grab the wine list.

"I can't drink right now," I told him with a shrug.

Confusion was still painted in his face. Victoria, however, it looked like she had a light bulb lit above her head, her jaw dropped.

"Come on, Jess, just don't take that medication you normally take then," Julian coaxed as he shook his head and continued to look at the list.

"Oh my god! Jess! Are you pregnant," Victoria asked excitedly.

Julian nearly dropped the list as his head snapped up and his crystal blue eyes looked from Danny to me and then back, waiting for one of us to confirm or one to deny.

"Y-yeah, I am," I said with a small smile on my face.

"This is great! Congratulations," Victoria squealed with a smile on her face.

"Thank you," both Danny and I said with smiles on our faces.

I turned back to Julian, who was staring at us with wide eyes. "Please tell me you're being serious," he mumbled, his blue eyes practically burning into my soul.

Both Danny and I nodded.

"Oh my god," Julian said as he slid his chair back and stood up. "Oh. My. God. This is absolutely amazing! I'm so happy for you!"

A smile broke out on Danny's face.

"Thanks," I said quietly with a smile.

"Don't just sit there! Come here and give me a fucking hug! Oh my god! This is so great."

I slid my chair back and hugged him back.

As we hugged he whispered into my ear, "I call dibs on GodFather."

I pulled away and rolled my eyes. He quickly made his way over to Danny, who was still sitting down, and wrapped him in what could be considered a head lock. "Congrats man," Jules said as Danny patted his forearms.

Julian pulled away with a large smile. "This is so great! Oh my god! I love this. I'm gonna be an uncle!"

Danny and I rolled our eyes as our hands met under the table.

"So when can we expect the Little you or Danny," Victoria asked with a large smile.

"Ha... Uh... don't get me wrong we just found out I'm pregnant... but... actually in March... I'm already five and a half months along," I said as I squeezed Danny's hand a little tighter.

Both of their eyes nearly popped out of their heads. "Holy fuck. No way."

Both Danny and I shook our heads. "No... I kinda got my Period... so I had no clue."

"So... when you guys got in that argument about kids... you were already pregnant," Jules asked with a raised eyebrow.

Danny nodded. "Ironic, huh?"

"I'd say so," Jules replied with a small smile.

"So do you guys know the gender if you're already that far along," Victoria spoke up.

My eyes went wide as Danny's hand squeezed mine. "Fuck. We forgot to ask the gender."

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