Chapter 4

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** Double Update today! I hope you enjoy! :) 

"Hey Jess," Brad Marchand said as he fell into the seat next to me.

We were about to leave Tampa Bay to head back to Boston. "Hey Brad, what's up," I asked as I looked up from my notepad. I was writing down a list of things that could be fixed within the marketing progress and things that could possibly go more smoothly.

He arched an eyebrow as he looked at me with squinted eyes. "What's this I hear about you and Danny Amendola moving in together," he questioned.

"Who told you that, Brad," I responded as I put my pen down and looked at him with a suspicious face.

"Jules told Patrice and I was with Patrice when they were talking. Jules said that it looks like you guys are moving in like right next to him. That's pretty cool," he commented as a smile found its way onto his face. "But that's not why I came over here. I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me with a campaign for a fundraiser."

I sighed and raised an eyebrow. "Don't you have your own people for that, Marchy? Like you have an agent who helps with all of that. I've been really busy, Brad."

He sighed. "Yeah... but I thought I'd help a friend out... I'll pay ya, ya know," he mumbled and threw in a shrug.

I closed my eyes and thought for a second. "I'll tell ya what. I'll see what's happening with moving and work and everything... and I'll let you know, okay," I offered.

When I opened them again, Brad had a big smile on his face. "Yes! You're the best, Jess!" He patted me on the shoulder and quickly stood up. "I'll let you know when a date is picked and stuff!"

I nodded and rolled my eyes. "Okay, Marchy. Now get in your seat before we take off."

He was gone within seconds— the last thing I needed was another thing on my plate.


Later on, I had my rather large duffle bag draped over my shoulder, and I was walking the streets on Boston, headed to get a taxi when a car horn stole my attention. I turned my head, and Danny was hanging out the passenger's window. "Hey Pretty Lady! You want a drive home," he called out. He had the biggest smile on his face.

"Danny," I called excitedly as I made my way toward the car. He got out and met me halfway. I dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around him. As I took in his scent, my entire body relaxed. "Oh my god I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, babe. Oh my goodness," he said into my hair as he tightened his grip on me.

After a minute or so of us embracing each other, there was a cough from behind Danny. We pulled away from each others warmth and saw Julian leaning up against his car with his arms crossed. "Hey Jules," I said as I wrapped an arm around Danny and smiled at him.

"Hey Jes, how are ya," he asked with a smile of his own.

"I'm great," I smiled up at Danny, then looked back to him. "Really tried, but good. How are you? Has Danny been driving you nuts?"

Julian's eyes sparkled in the Boston morning. "I guess you could say that. Don't leave for that long ever again," he joked. "But other than that... I've been good."

"That's good." I looked up at Danny, who was smiling down at me already. "It's kinda chilly out here. Think we could get going?"

He nodded, moved away from me, picked up my duffle bag, and brought it over to Jules' trunk that was already popped. As he threw it in, I walked over to Jules and gave him a big hug. "Thanks for picking me up," I mumbled into his chest.

We pulled away from each other and he smiled at me. "It wasn't a problem. He wasn't going to miss you coming back for the world. He's been so worried when you wouldn't text back because you were working," he said as he shook his head and moved to go to the drivers side of the car.

Danny was behind me again because he let out a huff. "You make it sound like I'm not even here, Jules," he complained and turned me around so I was facing him.

Julian muttered something in the background, but Danny was too quick to smash his lips into mine. "Fuck, I've missed you so much, Jess."

I smiled at him. "I've missed you, too... Did you end up scheduling a tour for today," I asked as he opened the back door for me and I slid in. He motioned for me to slide in further, and I obliged.

Once he got settled in next to me, he buckled up and draped an arm over my shoulder. "Yeah, I did. We're going to go straight there, if that's okay. Jules' landlord said we could go any time today. And my car is at his place right now so..."

I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine," I mumbled as I leaned into him. "Uh driver... Can you please take me to your house?"

I couldn't see the look on Jules' face, but I knew it was a scowl, because when he looked at me through the rearview, his blue eyes had a look of disapproval. "Shut up Jess."

Danny chuckled from next to me and placed a light kiss on my forehead. "You're gonna love the place. It's similar to Jules, but way better... and slightly bigger... And less white... I know how much you hate that about Jules' place," Danny said as my hand moved over so it was placed on his knee.

"That's great babe. I look forward to looking at it," I replied as I leaned further into Danny and closed my eyes.

"Oh my god! I thought you said you liked it when I got it all painted," Julian argued, causing me to open my eyes. He was at a stop light, looking at me with wide eyes and eyebrows raised.

Danny chuckled from next to me. "It looks nice," I mumbled. "It just isn't my style, Jules."

"Ugh! That's so not cool, Jess. I wanted your full opinion! You're a girl, I need to know if girls like it!"

I rolled my eyes. "The girls you pull in don't give a single fuck about what your walls look like! They just want you to fuck them and call it a day," I joked. Danny began laughing really hard.

"Oh my god! Man! You're not going to even stand up for me," he questioned as he began driving again.

Danny kept laughing. "How can I?! It's fucking true," he mumbled through his laughs.

"You two are unbelievable!"

That's when I began laughing. The two of us were probably the worst friends ever, but we couldn't help it-- Jules' reactions are always the best.

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