Chapter 14

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** Sorry I didn't update yesterday!! Hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

Sunday afternoon, I sighed as I met the team in the lobby of the hotel. The boys got stranded for an extra day because of a rather large storm that made it impossible to take off. I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone to shoot Danny a text.

Jess 12:34

About to leave for the airport. Have a great game, babe. I'll see you tonight. Love you

"Jess! What's up," Torey Krug's voice broke me out of my thoughts. He plopped down on the couch next to me and looked at me with a big smile.

"Hey Tor! I saw my parents yesterday... but I'm just ready to get home and sleep in my own bed," I told him with a small smile.

"That sounds great! Ya know Brad is so excited that you committed to helping him with his fundraiser. His last marketer got the job done, but was beyond complicated to work with," he informed with a small shrug.

"Well Brad... He's-," I was cut off by someone plopping down on the other side of me.

"Did I just hear my name," Brads voice asked, and then there were shoulders being knocked into mine. "What's up guys?"

I looked over at Brad and shrugged my shoulders. "We were just talking about the fundraiser... It's kinda exciting knowing that it's going to be so big," I answered.

Brad nodded with a big smile on his face. "It's going to be big, and I think a lot of people will have fun," he pointed out.

I nodded, just as coach told everyone to get on the bus. The three of us separated, and I got on the bus as the boys got their bags into the bus. I sunk into my normal spot in the front and leaned against the the window as I let my eyes close.

After a few minutes or listening to the guys shuffling past, someone fell into the seat next to mine. "Hey Jess, I was wondering if you'd be willing to come check out the venue with me tomorrow after you're done with work," Brad's voice said, causing me to open my eyes.

I nodded. "Sure, the faster we see what the place looks like the faster we can get stuff done for getting stuff done for sat up," I replied with a shrug. "I can text you when I'm done with work, then we can head to the place and plan on decorations and crap."

"Sweet! I can't wait for this event! It's going to be a blast," Brad said, a smile finding its way to his face.

"It'll be great, now can you let me be so I can catch up on the sleep that I lost because of the traffic last night?"

Brad just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.


I yawned as I pulled my bag with me or of the airport. Just as I was about to head for a cab Brad called my name and moved as fast as possible to me. "Hey, Jess! Do you need a ride home?"

"Actually, that would be great," I told him, letting my shoulders sag a bit. I just want to get home and sleep."

Brad laughed and nodded. "That layover was too damn long. I'm really beginning to miss my bed and my girlfriend," he admitted and let out a big yawn. "My truck is this way."

We made our ways to the parking structure and immediately slid our stuff into the bed of his truck. "It's been such a long day."

I nodded in agreement as I pulled myself up into the passenger's seat of his truck and buckled up. The last thing I remembered was us pulling out of the parking structure, because then I was out like a light.

When I was brought back to consciousness, there was a hand on my shoulder shaking me. "Jess, we're at your house," Brad's voice said as I was shook again,

My eyes snapped open. "Oh shit... how long was I out," I asked as I looked around and noticed that I was indeed outside Danny and I's new place.

"Only about 30 minutes. It's eight already," he said as he smiled at me. "Do you need help getting your bag?"

I shook my head. "No thanks, Marchy, I'm fine." I leaned over and placed a peck on his cheek. "Thank you for the ride home. I'll see you tomorrow."

He nodded and smiled. "Yep, I'll see ya tomorrow. Now get in there, I'm sure Danny's waiting for you."

I rolled my eyes, unbuckled, and hopped out. Once I had my bag out of his truck, I slammed it shut and made my way up to the door. When I unlocked it, I turned to him and waved to him. He waved back, then sped off.

I pulled my bag in, let it fall on the floor, and looked up to see Danny on the couch looking up at me. "Hey babe," He greeted as he put the romote down and a smile grew on his face.

"Hey Danny," I answered and made my way over to the couch, where I sat down next to him and smashed our lips together. "How'd you play?"

He shrugged. "Okay, I guess... There's always room for improvement. How was your family," he asked as his large hands were placed on my knees.

"Good. They were upset that you couldn't make it. I told them after the season is over we could go visit them," I told him and leaned into his touch.

"Yeah, we definitely will have to go," he whispered and moved to he could pull me to him. My head was resting on his chest, as I took in his calming scent. "I've missed you, Jess." He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Me too, Danny. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your game," I mumbled into the warmth of his chest.

"It's okay... I know you'll be there in a few weeks," he responded. "Hey, who brought you home? All I saw was a truck."

"Brad Marchand," I mumbled sleepily. Danny's hold on me immediately tensed. "He's asked me to be the marketer for his fundraiser... So I've been busy working with him."

Danny sucked in a stiff breath. "He personally asked you to market his even," he asked, his voice kinda monotone.

I nodded against him. "Yeah. He's offering me five grand plus ten percent based off of whatever gets raised."

I could practically feel Danny roll his eyes. "What do you mean? Jess, you didn't have to take it... You're never gonna need to spend another dime," Danny said, raising his voice a bit.

"Danny," I pulled on his grip and cupped his face— looking straight into his beautiful, worried brown eyes . "I want to do it. I'd much rather work hard for myself than sit on my ass all day. Imagine if it were you. You wouldn't like me just saying 'Danny, you can't play football anymore. Let me do everything. For you', would you? Your football is my marketing... I'm gonna do it for as long as I can... I love doing it."

Danny's eyes continued to look into mine. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. He placed his hands over mine, then brought them to his chest. "I really am, Jess. I've... I've never seen it that way. I don't mean to hold you back... I just... If something ever happened to you because of me not doing something... I couldn't live with myself."

I smiled at him and leaned in to place my lips on his. "It's okay... I-I love you."

He smiled as we pulled away. "I love you, too, Jess... Just... Don't work yourself too hard..." He let out a sigh. There was something else in his chocolatey brown eyes that I could not place.

"I won't," I mumbled, and let out a yawn. "I think we should go to bed. I'm really tired and I wanna snuggle more."

"Thank god," Danny mumbled and picked me up in one swift motion. "I never thought I'd hear you say that. I'm so tired."

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now