Chapter 24

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"Danny," I practically squealed as I looked at the beautiful log cabin that we were approaching. "This place is beautiful!" Snow was lightly falling, and there were beautiful lights hung up around the porch.

He smiled at me as he shifted the car into park. "Good, I'm glad, because I bought it," he said as he killed the engine.

My jaw dropped and my eyes went wide. "What do you mean you bought it? What the heck, Danny? You freaking bought this?" 

"I figured you and I could vacation here whenever we have time," he replied. "With the little that we do have."

I smiled as I leaned over and smashed my lips into his. "This is amazing, Danny. I can't believe you did this," I told him as I pulled away.

"I'm glad you like it. What do you say we go in and check it out though? The bedroom is absolutely amazing," he commented as he pushed his door open, went to the back and grabbed his bag for the weekend.

I got out and did the same. We joined hands as we walked up the steps, and I couldn't help but let my smile get bigger.

He slid a key into the lock, and opened it. When he let the door swing open, my jaw dropped. It was absolutely beautiful. It had an Adirondack theme, and had the most beautiful kitchen with dark granite counters. The smell of pine hit my nose and I turned to Danny.

"This is amazing. I can't believe you bought it! I've like always wanted to have a log cabin," l said as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close.

He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. "I know. You deserve nothing but the best, Jess," he replied as both of his hands trailed down to my butt, and cupped it tightly.

I stiffened and leaned further into him. Something hard pushed against my thigh. I rolled my eyes and pulled away. "Danny, you're ridiculous," I scolded. I couldn't keep a straight face.

He had a large smirk playing on his face. "I'm sorry! I just can't help it," he said with wide brown eyes. "Why don't you say we check out the bedroom now? Maybe even break it in a bit?"

I rolled my eyes, but agreed, anyway. How could I say no to him?


I leaned into his sweaty chest as we both slowly got our breaths back. My hand was resting over his heart, feeling every single beat.

We were quiet until our breaths evened, he laced our hands together on top of his chest and then his raspy voice came through. "Marry me." His chest vibrated against my cheek.

I swear I stopped breathing. I pulled my head from his chest and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What'd you just say," I asked as my eyes locked with his beautiful brown ones. They were looking back at me contently, with a loving look.

"Marry me," he repeated as he gripped my hand a little tighter. His eyes never left mine, never missing a beat.

I stared at him with wide eyes. After I didn't say anything he just sighed, and sat up a bit, finally breaking eye contact. "I-I know this ain't the ideal way to ask... But... I just... This... Us... It feels so right, right now. I was going to ask over dinner tonight... The ring is in my bag."

I pulled my hand from his and put my hands over my eyes. Hot tears quickly fell from my eyes as I choked on a sob.

"Jess?" Danny asked as he moved and put his hands on my knees. "Babe... Y-You don't have to say yes. We can revisit this later."

I pulled my hands from my face and moved to smash my lips into his. I quickly pulled away with wide eyes. "O-Of course, Danny! How could I ever say no? Oh my god." I cupped his face in my hands and just looked straight into his eyes.

Tears began to surface in his brown eyes. "I love you so much, Jess. Oh my god. Thank you," He whispered as he smashed his lips back into mine and pulled me close. 

He pulled away after a second and his eyes went wide. "Oh!! Wait!" He nearly fell out of the bed as he made his way to his bag in the corner of the room. He pulled a box out, then strutted back over, with a very happy... Uh... You know...

He slid back into the bed and pulled the covers up a bit. "You're a size seven, right," he asked as he held the unopened box up.

I nodded.

He flipped the box open, and my eyes went wide as I slapped my hand over my mouth. Tears began rolling down my face again. "Danny! Oh my god! It's so beautiful! Both Emeralds and Sapphires? You spoil me!"

He smiled. "You like it? I-I got it custom made, because I know how cliche you think it is to have a big ol' Diamond," he pointed out after a minute.

I nodded as I wiped my tears away. "I love it, Danny. It's absolutely beautiful. C-Can you put it on?" Danny nodded slowly as he pulled the ring from its spot in the box.

He picked up my left hand and slowly slid the ring on. The silver band was cold, but it was comforting— comforting knowing that he and I really do have a future.

I stopped as I looked down at it. It was absolutely beautiful. I let out a long sigh. "Danny, I have something to tell you," I mumbled as I lowered my hand and placed it on his knee.

His dark eyes narrowed, and the look of concern grew on his face. "What is it," he asked softly.

My heart began to race and I got butterflies in my stomach. "I-I... I think I might be pregnant," I said.

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now