Chapter 32

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I let out a huff as I leaned back into the propped up, fluffy, pillows on our bed. My back was really beginning to bother me, I had nothing to do but sit in bed for a week, because I was put on bed rest, and Danny was really getting on my nerves. All he did was wait on me hand and foot, but when it came time to sleep at night, he wouldn't even think about putting a finger on me.

"Danny," I whined as I threw my head back and sucked in a long breath. The baby did what seemed like a headstand, feet were pushed up against my ribs and it's head created a small extra lump toward the bottom of my bump.

Danny came shuffling into our room, a redvine  hanging out of his mouth. "What's up, babe?" His soft brown eyes looked at me as he finished off the red vine.

My breath hitched as I tried to adjust myself. "Can... Can you get me some Tylenol... and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich," I asked, pouting a bit so he'd actually get it all for me. "Oh, and can you please help me to the bathroom?"

Danny sighed as he moved closer so he could help me up. He held his hand out, helped me swing my legs over the edge of the bed, then slowly supported my body we made it to the bathroom.

He helped me pull my underwear down and sit on the toilet. "I'll be right back, babe. Call me when you need me." Despite wanting to help me nonstop, I was somewhat thankful for having some privacy.

I nodded as I watched him move out of the room. As I sat there, I let my breathing even out, just as I was about to pee, there was a big splash in the toilet and a pain shooting through my body, more specifically by back and abdomen.

My heart began to race. "Fuck! Danny," I called as I threw my head back, closed my eyes, and put both my hands on my stretched to the max skin on my stomach.

"I'm coming," he called, then the door opened. "Jess?! Are you okay?" He rushed in and squatted a bit so he was at my level. His worried brown eyes were looking up at me.

I opened my eyes and sucked in a shaky breath. "I-I think my water just broke," I let out as tears began cascading down my cheeks.

His brown eyes went wide. "Y-your water? Oh god! You're in... in labor! Fuck! Oh god, Jess? The baby is coming?" His hands were placed on my thighs. "Fuck! The baby is coming!"

"Danny," I raised my voice through gritted teeth. "Stop freaking out and help me get off this fuckinng toilet."

"Right! Oh yeah! Oh god," he quickly stood up pulling my underwear up, and helped me stand up. "Let's uh... let's get you into the bedroom and get ya dressed. Then I'll call Doc."

I nodded as the two of us slowly made our ways back into the bedroom. He slowly lowered me onto the bed and then moved over to the dresser to grab a pair of shorts.

Once he had them slid on. He tossed me his Patriots hoodie, that I wore way too much, then helped me get it over my head.

Within the next half hour, my contractions began to get much closer, Danny called ahead, and we were out the door— on our way to have the baby.

** Julian's POV **

Victoria and I were strolling through the park, on a surprisingly warm Boston day when she spotted a dog being trained and pulled me with her so we could see it up close.

"Vick! What the hell! Why are you dragging me this way," I groaned. I almost stumbled and face planted as she began to walk faster.

"Look at the Greyhound puppy," she squealed. We got close enough to watch it from a bench as the owner and the dog trained.

I rolled my eyes.

She looked over at me and whacked me in the chest, quite hard.

I rubbed my chest and looked at her with sad eyes. "Baby! That hurt!"

She looked back at me with intense eyes. "You rolled your eyes at me! Look at that freaking puppy! It is too damn adorable to not be watched," she said, her beautiful eyes looking at me through her thick rimmed glasses.

"More adorable than me," I asked, pulling a pout on my face as I gave her puppy dog eyes.

She arched an eyebrow before nodding. "You know what? Yes. Look at that beautiful black coat! Ugh! One day we'll be getting one."

I continued to pout at her. "I thought you said I was the most adorable thing ever, yesterday," I complained. My eyes began to water, guilt tripping her worked— most of the time.

She rolled her eyes. "Jules... just... stop." She giggled and put her hand on my knee. "You're very adorable, but one day, I'll be cuddling with our dog in bed, instead of you."

"Woah! Did you really just go there," I asked playfully. Raising both my eyebrows.

"Of course I did! That's what you get for being a little brat," she replied, a smile finally showing up on her face.

"I'm not a brat." I pulled on my best pout again.

Before she could say anything else, my phone began ringing in my pocket. I leaned forward and pulled it out. "Hmm it's Dola," I said as I pressed answer.

"Hey Danny Boy! What's up," I asked with a smile on my face. He's been so busy with Jess and getting ready for the baby that he hasn't trained with me for a few days.

"H-Hey Jules," Danny said, sounding frantic. My eyebrows shot up. "Uh... Jess... So Jess just went into labor."

"She what," I asked. My voice was full of shock. I don't know why I was so shocked, it was just a few days before her due date. "Is she okay? Are you okay? Oh god!"

"I'm fine, Jules. She's fine, too. They're getting her all set up right now and then they'll evaluate how far along she is," Danny said and let out a huff.

"Vick and I will be there in a bit, okay man?" I looked over at Victoria and grasped her hand in mine.

"Okay... Don't tell anyone though. I don't want her to be overwhelmed," Danny mumbled. "I-I gotta go. I'll see ya in a bit man."

I pulled my phone from my ear and stood up, bringing Victoria with me. "What's wrong?"

I slid my phone into my pocket as I began to drag her out of the park. "Jess just went into labor. We should probably grab ourselves some lunch and then go to the hospital."

"What? She's having the baby," she squealed as we jogged across the street. "This is so exciting!"

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