Chapter 25

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"Y-you what," Danny asked quietly. I almost didn't hear him. His brown eyes were wide as he looked at me.

I sucked in a shaky breath. "I-I think I'm pregnant," I mumbled and took my hand off his knee.

He instantly reached for my hand and held it in both of his. He only stared at me, but after a minute, he pulled me to him and hooked his chin over my shoulder as he began to shake.

His hot tears ran down my bare back, and his soft sobs began to fill the room. My left hand moved up and down his sweaty back as my right one moved up and was laced in his sweaty hair, where it met the nape of his neck.

Danny's grip around me only got tighter.

When his cries became sniffles I placed a kiss on his warm skin and whispered, "You okay?"

He pulled from me and looked at me with his puffy eyes. "A-Are you serious?"

I nodded slowly. "I-I haven't been to the doctor yet... but... I'm like 90% sure that I am," I told him as my hands both found his knees.

"I-I... I never thought that today would be this great. I-I... You've already made me the happiest man in the entire world... Now... ah fuck... it's the entire universe," he told me as more tears fell down his cheeks.

I smiled softly at him. "I-I'm glad," I whispered as I leaned in and our lips met.

When we pulled away, he raised an eyebrow and looked at me with concerned eyes. "Are... Are you okay with this though," he asked.

I sucked in a shaky breath, then let out a long one. "I-I... Even if I wasn't I'd have to deal with it at this point wouldn't I," I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

Danny pursed his lips. "Be honest, Jess," he whispered. Concern was painted on his flawless face.

I nodded slowly. "Y-yeah... I just guess it's kinda a shock. I've... I've never pictured myself with kids... and now if... If I'm actually pregnant... Then I'll actually have to start picturing myself carrying around a crying baby, like I was terrible with Zack! Or running around after a little tyke... or, fuck, I'll have to take time off... That's what scares me the most."

Danny's hand moved to my thigh. "I-I... Okay, first off, you were perfectly fine with Zack, so don't complain about that. And I'll be with you every step of the way. Yes, I'm a busy guy... but Jess, I'll never be too busy for you or our little one— Never. And yes, that's a promise. But for work, they'll understand, people have kids every day, and you won't be the first in the organization," he reassured as his soft brown eyes looked into mine.

I nodded slowly as I looked down at the ring on my finger.

"How far along do you think you are," he asked as he grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"I-I... Well, I got my period at the end of October... It's the first week in December... So I don't know... a month maybe," I replied with a sigh.

He just looked at me as he thought. "So... August? At least that's during both of our off seasons," he mumbled. "I mean I'll be training... but... the season won't be in full swing and it won't be the playoffs."

I nodded. "Yeah... but then I'll have to be at games during the NHL playoffs with a fucking huge stomach," I complained. "And I can't drink with the boys if they win the cup!"

Danny chuckled but nodded. "That's true... but... Jess... We may have a baby on the way. It's going to be amazing," he whispered as he brought my hand up to his lips.

I sighed, but nodded. "I guess you and I will be on this journey together," I mumbled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, babe," he whispered. His brown eyes popped open a bit more. "Have you thought about making an appointment? Or have you taken an at home test?"

"I didn't even think about that... but for the doctor... yeah... I've been looking into some doctors. I wanted to wait for you, I'm not going to the appointment alone," I mumbled and blinked slowly.

He nodded as a smile grew on his face. "I can't wait. We'll be the perfect little family." His voice was so calm and soothing that he convinced me to be calm since Marchy congratulated me.


I grabbed my hot chocolate from the counter and slowly walked into the living room, where I sat down next to Danny and leaned into him. His arm slowly moved up so it was draped over my shoulder.

I took a swig of my hot chocolate and then rested my head on his shoulder. "Why do you have an ugly Christmas sweater with Miller Lite cans all over it," he asked after he tore his attention from the opening credits of National Lampoons. "You don't even like beer."

I shrugged and leaned further into him. "I don't know. Cuz it's kinda awesome! And it's so big that I don't have to wear pants with it," I told him after a second.

He rolled his eyes. "You're just better off with no clothes," he growled as he leaned in and nibbled on my ear.

I sucked in a breath and pulled away a bit so I could sip my hot chocolate. Before the mug could make it to my mouth, Danny's large hand reached forward and grabbed it from me. He quickly brought it to his lips and began drinking from it.

The mug kept tilting up further and further. "Danny! That's not in your diet plan! Give it back," I whined as I whacked him in the chest.

He pulled it from his mouth and smiled at me as he handed it back. He had a whipped cream mustache covering his upper lip. I giggled. "As mad as I am at you for drinking all my hot chocolate when you said you didn't want one, I can't stay mad, because you're adorable with that whipped cream on your face," I said with a smile.

He pouted at me. "I mean that's what I like to hear... but... I hope you're not mad at me," he said like a little kid.

I rolled my eyes. "God you're so weird," I complained as I leaned forward and looked back at him. He still had his big pout, but broke out the puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh. I hate you," I mumbled as I leaned in to kiss it off him. Just as I moved to pull away, he wrapped an arm around my back and kept me there.

"I love you," Danny said as he pulled away and smiled at me.

His brown eyes were so comforting.

"I love you, too, Dola," I whispered and moved back in to attach our lips.

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now