Chapter 28

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Within the two weeks between telling Jules and Vick about our news and Christmas, just about all of our friends and family knew-- All because of Jules' and Danny's big mouths. Everyone was beyond happy for us, and we were almost instantly showered in gifts, despite not knowing the gender.

When I woke up on Christmas morning, Danny was still lying in bed next to me, snoring softly. I opened my eyes, looked over at him, then pushed the sheets back. When I saw the scene in front of me, my jaw dropped.

I gasped and whacked Danny's bare back. "Danny," I whisper yelled.

His snores stopped and he groaned out. "It's my day off, can't a guy get some sleep?" He let out a huff and grabbed his pillow to pull it over his head.

"Danny," I said louder as I put my hand flat on his back. "Come on! Wake your sleepy ass up! This is exciting!"

He moved the pillow away a bit and flipped so he was facing me on his side, and his head was resting on his pillow. His sleepy brown eyes looked back at me, and his lips were pursed. "What couldn't wait? This is our last christmas of not being woken up super early... For like at least the next 18 years," he complained. He was adorable when he's sleepy.

I grabbed his free hand and moved it down to my stomach, where there was a clear bump. He sleepily blinked as he thought about where his hand was placed. His hand slightly twitched on my warm skin, but then his eyes went wide as he hopped up to look down. "Oh my god! Jess! You're actually showing! You've like began showing over night! Oh my god! This is great!"

He moved his hand from my stomach and smiled up at me. "This is the best christmas ever. Our baby is in there," he mumbled as he put his hand at the very top of the small swell of my stomach and smashed his lips into mine.

I smiled at him and wrapped my arm around his back, so he stayed close. "Merry christmas, Danny," I whispered and let my lips meet his again. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too. You've made me the happiest man ever. We'll be getting married eventually-- which we should start talking about that... And we'll have a baby... Someone that is physical proof of the love that I have for you... and the love that you have for me. God, I hope its a girl. I could spoil her rotten," he said, his smile never leaving his face.

I smiled at him. "I hope its a boy so you can play football with him. He could be the next you... One of the shortest hot-shots in the NFL."

Danny put a fake pout onto his face. "Jules is an inch shorter than me. That's not fair," he said, sounding like a little kid.

I rolled my eyes as I patted his forearm. "Can we get up and make breakfast," I asked as I looked him dead in the eyes.

He nodded as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my nose. My face scrunched up as I pushed him away. "Danny! Oh my god! You know I hate when you do that."

He just chuckled as he shook his head and rolled out of bed.

I slipped out of bed and grabbed my clothes, then made my way to the bathroom.

When I got there, I stopped and looked at myself in the body length mirror. There really was an obvious, new, slope to my stomach. I blushed knowing that there was a baby in there, Danny and I's baby. I ran my hand along my stomach and sighed-- This is actually real.

"Hey Jess," Danny called from the other side of the door, "Do you want pancakes or waffles for breakfast?"

My eyes widened at the thought of food. "How about Pancakes?! That sounds amazing! And we have that maple syrup from New Hampshire! Oh! That sounds so good."

Danny only laughed as he replied with an "okay".


I slid Danny the gift that I neatly wrapped as the smile on my face grew bigger. "Open this one. I really hope you like it," I said.

He shook his head and playfully rolled my eyes. "I told you that you didn't need to get me anything! Just you is enough! Oh! And our soon to be little one," he said with a large smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes in return. "You're funny, Dola... Like after I saw all the gifts you got me, I wasn't gonna get you anything," I told him. "Go on! Open it!"

Danny began to rip the paper off and then raised an eyebrow at the blank box. I motioned for him to open it, and when he did, his jaw dropped. "Jess, you did not buy this for me. What the hell," he said as he pulled the leather jacket from the box.

I shrugged with a smile on my face. "I thought yours was getting kinda old, so I figured you'd like a new one," I told him with a small smile.

"Jess! You've spent way too much on me! This had to be like 250 dollars," he said as he looked at me with wide brown eyes.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Danny. You never let me buy anything. It's the least I could do," I told him as I crawled over to him, dragging the big fluffy blanket that he got me, along with me.

He pushed the box aside and pulled me into his lap. His lips met mine. When I pulled back, his hand moved down under the blanket, and was placed on my stomach. "You and the baby are seriously enough."

I shook my head at him, but after a minute his eyes drifted and looked at something behind me. I put my hand on top of his and said, "What is it, Babe?"

He let out a sigh and furrowed his eyebrows. "There's an envelope at the back of the tree," he said quietly.

I turned to look at what he was looking at, and sure enough, there was an envelope sitting there. I slowly crawled off his lap and grabbed it, then moved back into his warmth. "It says both of our names... and is that Jules' handwriting?" I asked as I looked at and met Danny's dark eyes.

Danny nodded slowly. "Uh yeah, that is his handwriting. What the hell?"

I handed it to Danny and mumbled, "Open it."

He furrowed his eyebrows as he slowly tore it open. There was a yellow sticky note in Jules' handwriting once again; "Merry Christmas to my favorite couple. You can thank Gisele for the help -Jules"

Both Danny and I looked at each other as I pulled the other piece of paper from the envelope and slowly unfolded it.

"Jess... Oh my God," Danny mumbled when he saw the piece of paper, it was a picture of our last ultrasound, and had arrows pointing to certain spots. And even included the gender of our little one.

"Jess we're having..." Danny cut himself off as he let out a sob. "Oh my god."

Tears began to slip from my eyes as I wrapped my arms around him. "Danny... oh my god! I'm so happy!"

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