Chapter 11

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I looked at Jules as his phone began to ring, he normally didn't get calls at nine pm, but then again... It could've been Victoria... The two hit it off as soon as they met, and exchanged numbers practically right away. I actually think they were planning on 'hanging out' tomorrow as well. 

Julian gave me a skeptical look as he clicked answer and brought the phone up to his ear. "Hey Dola, what's up man?"

I paused, knowing that Danny was the one on the other end of the line was heartbreaking. I was beginning to miss him more than ever, but if space was what he wanted-- then that's exactly what he was going to get. Despite it hurting, it was the least I could do for him.

After a second, Julian's face screwed up into a confused look. "Hold on a second, man," Jules said as he waved me on and directed me to his room.

We both made our ways in and sat down in his bed as he put it on speaker, so could hear the whole conversation. He put a finger up to his mouth to tell me to be quiet. I nodded. 

"Okay, man, what's up," Julian asked after he rested on his side and faced me, with those caring blue eyes looking at me.

There was a sniffle on Danny's end, and then his uneven voice questioned if he was on speaker. I got worried as soon as I heard him sniffle. After Jules' lie about it only being himself, it was like my heart broke even more than it did the past day and a half...

Danny took a second, then his unstable, but comforting voice filled the room. "I-I... Jules... I fucked up. I haven't talked to Jess in two days, and I swear I'm going to lose her. I can't lose her. I'm a mess! I-I'm falling apart and I don't know what to do. Jules," Danny took in a long breath, trying to not let out a sob, which brought tears to my eyes. "I need something to take the pain away. I... She doesn't want kids... And... And I'm okay with that... But... I walked out on her and I shouldn't have... And I'm giving her space... I don't know what to do... I love her... and I need her." He continued sobbing, and that's when I decided I needed to get to him. I gave him too much space... I just assumed when I shouldn't have.

I jumped up from Julian's bed and darted straight for the door. I didn't care that I didn't have shoes on, I didn't care that I had tears running down my face, and I certainly didn't care about it pouring cats and dogs.

I needed to get to him. I needed to take the pain away from both him and myself.

*** Danny's POV ***

"Jules," I asked into my phone, even though I knew the line was dead, I could've sworn he just called for Jess... Before I could actually look at my phone to confirm that the line was actually dead, there was a knocking at my door.

I shook my head and stayed where I was... I couldn't face whoever was at the door. They just kept knocking. I rolled my eyes and rolled out of bed.

When I got to the door, I wiped my eyes and pulled it open... Jess was standing there, in the rain... I didn't even realize it was raining...

"Jess," I asked as I looked at her, shock displayed on my face. "Did... Did you hear all of that?"

She nodded, and next thing I knew was I had my arms full of a wet Jess, and she was sobbing into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her as well and held her as tight at possible.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed into my chest. "I'm so sorry, Danny." She began to shiver a bit.

"Shh... it's... it's okay Jess... Let's get you inside, okay?" It was as I ushered her in toward the electric fireplace that I noticed she was wearing my hoodie that I thought I lost during the move.

I sat down on the couch and pulled her into my lap. "Babe..." I kissed her forehead and let tears pull from my eyes. "This isn't your fault. It's mine... I've... I've just assumed. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."

"No, Danny! This is my fault! I assumed! I assumed you wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore... And then you... You left my apartment! I was crushed! I didn't know what to do," she cried as her beautiful green eyes looked up at me. "I thought you didn't want me to contact you... Danny, I thought you didn't love me anymore."

"No," I said a little louder than I should have. "Never, Babe! I could never not love you." I choked out and pulled her as tight to me as possible. "Oh god. I've missed you so much."

She cried something into my chest, but it was inaudible. I rubbed her wet back and tried to calm her. Eventually, her cries came to a stop and she pulled her face away from my chest so she could look me in the eyes.

One of her hands came up and cupped my face. "I love you. I love you so much, Danny... I'm sorry..." Her lips instantly found mine, and the spark that I've been deprived from for so long... it was there... And I knew I got my birthday wish early.

I pulled away from her and cupped her cheek. "Jess, I'm the one that should be sorry. I don't care if there is a little you or a little me pattering their feet around here... All I care is that you're in bed next to me and I get to wake up to you every day."

She shook her head. "N-No, Danny... If it's what makes you happy... We... We can have kids... I-I'll quit my job if I have to... I just... I'd do anything for you."

"Babe... You don't need to do that. Lets... Let's... You're tired, I'm tired... Lets head to bed. It's been so lonely here without you," I told her and moved to pick her up, but she shifted by placing a hand on my right thigh, causing me to cringe and throw my head back.

"Danny!?" She sounded much more alert as she looked at me with a concerned look. "Are you okay?" Her hands flew up to my face and held me still.

I nodded. "Y-Yeah... You just got my bruise. No big deal... I just took a rough hit today."

She was looking at me with a pout. "I'm sorry, Dola..."

"No need to be sorry, Babe," I replied and picked her up in one quick motion. "Let's get to bed so I can actually sleep."

** hope everyone is enjoying the story! :)

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now