Chapter 36

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"Go Marchy Go," I screamed as Brad was on the break away, flying straight toward Jonathan Quick.

He backhanded it, and lifted the puck above Quick's pads, putting the puck in the back of the neck.

"Holy fuck! Yes! Marchy! You fucking did it," I screamed as I jumped and wrapped my arms around Mark. "We're fucking Stanley Cup Champs!"

"This is amazing! Oh my goodness, Jess! This is so great! Lord Stanley is back where he belongs," Mark called over all the yelling.

All the boys were dog piling Tuukka Rask. The smile on my face couldn't get any bigger. Our boys were Stanley Cup Champs.


After the cup ceremony, they began to let friends and family on the ice. As I began looking for Danny, someone came skating up to me, and spun me around. "Jess! We did it!"

I wrapped my arms around Brad. "Congrats, Marchy! That goal was a fucking beauty! And ur was like a minute into OT! I was so nervous."

"I know! Ugh! I can't believe it!" He had a huge smile on his face. "I-I... Were Stanley Cup Champs again! This feels even better than the first time!"

I nodded. "I bet! This time, you fucking scored the winning goal! Now— Congrats, and go find your girl," I said and patted his arm. "I gotta find Danny!" We smiled brightly as each other.

He shook his head. "No need to look, Jess, he's right there," he mumbled as he pointed behind me.

I whipped around and saw Danny making his way over with a three month old Bentley in his arms. Bentley was wearing his "Amendola- Hockey is better than football" onesie, and a pair of ear muffs to keep his ears safe.

The smile on my face grew. "Danny," I squealed as I opened my arms and shuffled over to them. I wrapped my arms around them and smiled.

The smile on Danny's face was big. "Congrats, babe. I'm so happy for you," he called over all of the noise surrounding us. He leaned down and kissed me.

Our lips met as I pulled Bentley into my arms. "Hi, baby boy," I mumbled and kissed his forehead.

He leaned so his face was against my chest, and his little hands were gripping my blouse. "The boys just won the Stanley Cup," I said as I looked down at him, and bounced him. He looked back up at me with his blue eyes that were slowly turning into a dark brown— very similar to Danny's. In fact if you looked at a picture of baby Danny and him, they looked completely identical, only Bentley had more hair. 

"Was he good during the game," I asked as I looked up and met Danny's eyes.

He nodded as he draped his arms over my shoulders. "I'd say so. Only had like two crying fits."

I nodded as I looked back down at Bentley. I tapped his nose and smiled as he giggled up at me. "Do you wanna go get your picture taken with the Stanley Cup? I think you could even fit in it."

Bentley only continued to laugh up at me with a toothless smile.


Danny put his keys down on the little counter in the hotel room and instantly pulled his Bruins shirt over his head. "Holy cow, it was such a long day," he complained as he threw his shirt to the ground and slid down his jeans and crawled under the covers.

I nodded, trying not to be distracted by his flawless body, as I lied a sleeping Bentley down in his little bassinet. I sighed as I pulled my shirt over my head as well, and then slid down my dress pants. I plopped down on the foot of the bed and let out a sigh. "I can't believe the season is over already," I mumbled as my hands gripped the edge of the mattress.

Danny sighed from behind me, then slowly crawled down the bed and sat down next to me. "Babe, hockey has like the longest season known to man," he mumbled as he put a warm hand on my bare thigh.

I leaned into him and rested my head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around my back, and his warm hand gripped my hip, pulling me closer to to warm body. "I know... But... Ugh. Now I get a little bit of time off and... I don't know if I want it. I didn't like the month that I had off already," I complained with a sigh. "And I'll miss the boys. It's been an amazing season."

Danny pulled me to him a bit tighter. "I know, babe... But... Now we can go to Nashville, and your family can meet Bentley... And we can go to Texas to see my family. You've gotta remember... My mom is the only one to meet him because she lives in Boston now," Danny said into my hair. "Our families will be over the moon. They'll all love him just as much as we do."

I groaned and shook my head. "Then we've gotta deal with them questioning when we'll be having the wedding... And we'll have to explain that we want to wait a bit longer. Ugh. I hate communication."

Danny chuckled and rolled his eyes, then pulled away to look down at me. "You work in marketing Babe, how can you say that? But honestly, who cares? Let's... Let's just enjoy our time off together with Bentley. We can adjust a bit with him," Danny said and leaned in to place a small kiss on my lips.

I nodded as I leaned into his chest and looked back over at Bentley, who was fast asleep in his 'Hockey is better than football' onesie. "I-I never thought we'd have a baby," I mumbled.

Danny's grasp around me tightened. "I know. It's insane... Isn't it? I never thought we'd be here right now," he replied as he began to pull me up the bed with him. "Never thought I'd love you this much... But you know what? I'll love you even more tomorrow."

"I love you," I mumbled and let out a yawn.

Once he got the both of us under the covers, I leaned over and turned the light off and leaned into him. His heartbeat was calming as I rested my head on his chest. "You always smell so good," I mumbled into his warm skin.

He chuckled as he placed a hot kiss on my forehead. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too, Danny. Thank you for everything you've done for me... For us. I can't wait for the rest of our lives," I whispered and placed a wet kiss on his chest.

"I can't either, babe. I can't wait to marry you. I can't wait to watch Bentley grow up... I can't wait to do anything and everything with you by my side. You two are my everything," he said and let out a long yawn.

"Danny," I mumbled as the sound of Bentley waking up filled the room.

"What, babe," he asked sleepily. I could tell his eyes were already closed.

I giggled. "Your little man is awake and is gonna want his Daddy any minute," I whispered as I pulled from his grip, and turned so I was away from him.

"Awe, babe, come here," he whined as his large, warm hands found my hips.

Before I could reply, Bentley's cries filled the room. "Oh! Look at that," I said. "Bentley wants his Daddy."

"Ugh. I hate you," Danny mumbled as he rolled out of the bed. "He probably wants you!"

I giggled. "Love you too, babe. And nah, he wants you."

I fell asleep to Danny's soft hum's as Bentley's cries came to a stop.

** thank you for joining these two on their crazy ride! Hope you enjoyed it! The first chapter of My Jules story is up... I also have another Danny book for y'all ;)

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