Chapter 30

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"Oh my god," I screamed as I jumped up and lept into Victoria's arms. "They won the fucking Super Bowl! They actually did it."

"I know," she yelled as she wrapped her arms around me and began to jump up and down. "They did it! Oh my goodness!"

"We have to get to them! Oh my god!"

We both turned to see red, white, and blue confetti falling on the field. I put my hands on my stomach, "Daddy is a Super Bowl Champion!"

Victoria put her hand over mine and squealed. "So is Uncle Jules!"


A little while later Victoria and I were trekking the field side by side, looking for Danny and Jules. Jules found her first, and instantly swept her away by pulling her close and passionately kissing her.

I sighed, I couldn't just stand there and wait for them. I began to look around for Danny, and that was when I saw him. One of the coaches was talking to him, and he only began to smile more. Once he looked up and saw me, his smile only got bigger.

He patted the coach on the shoulder, said something, and quickly made his way over to me. "Danny! Oh my god, babe! Congrats," I screamed as tears began to fall down my face.

Danny's hands grabbed my ass and pulled me as close to him as possible, with my bump in the way. His lips smashed into mine. When he pulled away he rested his forehead against mine. "I'm so glad you're here. I'm-I'm... Jess, I can't believe it," he practically whispered as tears began to roll down his cheeks.

I pulled away a bit and wiped his tears away. "You did it, babe. You're a Super Bowl Champion... I'm so proud of you, so, so proud of you," I told him as my own tears began pulling from my eyes.

"I-I love you, Jess. I love you so much," he mumbled, then moved so his chin was hooked over my shoulder, and he held me close.

My hand slowly moved up to be tangled in his hair, but instantly moved away as I took in his sweaty scent. "Ugh," I complained and pulled away, "You smell so bad."

He pulled away with a smile and fell to his knees as he put his hands on either side of my bump. He placed a soft kiss over the fabric of my shirt. "Daddy won the Super Bowl... The freaking Super Bowl. Don't tell mommy, but I did it for you and not her. I can't wait for you to be here for the next one."

I sighed as I watched Danny's warm eyes focus at the baby kicking at his hand. This-This was the perfect moment.


Know what wasn't a perfect moment?

When I could barely walk and get out of bed the morning of the parade. My back was on fire, and my legs had a horrible deep ache.

"Danny," I mumbled from the couch as he got ready in our bedroom.

"Yeah, Babe," he asked as he walked out. "You okay? You don't look too good." He quickly made his way over to me and kneeled by the couch, where he put his hands on top of my hands.

"My back is really bothering me. A-And my legs hurt... My ankles are starting to swell andI've only taken like 100 steps today." I sighed and shook my head. "I-I think it's best I don't go."

His dark eyes looked up at me with concern. "I'll stay back if you're not feeling well," he said.

I shook my head and furrowed my eyebrows. "No way, you're going, Danny. You've earned this. I'll stay back and just watch it on TV, I guess," I told him as I grabbed his right hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze. "You'll have more fun without me."

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now