Chapter 33

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"Danny," I whined out as he came walking in the room with a blank look on his flawless face.

His beautiful brown eyes looked over at me and read of worry. "You feeling okay, babe?" He asked as he fell down into the chair beside my bed and grabbed my hand.

I nodded slowly. As I gripped his hand a bit tighter. "The best I can for right now, I think... I-I..." I let out a sigh. "I don't know. I don't think I can do this." My heart was beginning to race at the thought of having a baby, the thought if being a mom; having to make decisions for more than just myself.

Danny's worried eyes turned into concerned ones. His hand gripped mine tighter. "Jess, you're one of the strongest women I know. You'll get through this, you'll fight through it and then our beautiful baby-," he was cut off by doctor Marshall shuffling in with a nurse.

"Hey guys," she said with a smile. "How are you feeling, Jess?"

"I'm in pain," I said with a shrug as I leaned back all the way into the few pillows, that were helping me stay propped up, and tried to relax a bit. I winced at the heavy throbbing in my lower half. "Quite a bit of it."

She smiled and nodded. "Well, that's expected. Now, I'm going to have you lift your legs up and check how far dilated you are right now."

I nodded as I grabbed Danny's hand again and slowly lifted my legs. I felt a breeze on my bottom half and tensed a bit. Danny's brown eyes met mine, keeping me calmed.

"Alright. You're actually already about eight centimeters along. I'll check on you in about forty minutes. Meanwhile, I can have Martha give you an epidural to ease some of the pain, if you'd like some," she said as she popped her head above the blanket and moved my legs back down for me.

I nodded. "Please do. I don't know how much longer I ca-," I cut myself off with an involuntary scream. "Ah fuck!" Pain shot through my body. My breath was pushed out of my lungs, and it took me a second to get it back.

Danny let out a sigh and held my hand a bit tighter. "It's okay babe. It's okay. We'll get you something to help the pain. You're going to be fine." His voice was soft and soothing, but there was still worry present in his voice.

I couldn't help but think that something was completely wrong.


It took nearly three and a half more hours to dilate another centimeter, but I still had to go one more before I could push, so I was stuck lying there with Danny talking to me, attempting to keep me calm and distracted.

Both Victoria and Jules made it just before the doctor was going to check me one last time.

"Ah! There she is! How're you doing, Jess," Julian asked as he walked in with a smile on his face, and a gleam in his blue eyes.

I looked over at Danny, then to Jules and rolled my eyes. "How the fuck do you think? I still haven't been able to fucking push," I shot at him. "I need to get this baby out of me."

"You mean your daughter?" Julian was looking at me with squinted eyes. Victoria was standing behind him, clearly getting frustrated with him. "Or do you mean your son?"

I just shot him a death glare— I didn't need his bullshit.

"Oh come on! You're not gonna tell me even when you're at your weakest point of putting up with bullshit," Julian asked, jaw practically on the floor. "You're kidding! Ugh! This is so not cool, Jess! Danny, why can't you guys just tell me?"

Before Danny could respond, another pain shot through my body, causing me to tense up. I looked over at Danny with an unamused face. "Why did you fucking call him again? He's like a pest."

Danny only shook his head. "It's okay babe. Jules... Thanks for coming... even if it is like three hours late... but you guys should probably just wait outside," Danny said softly.

Julian had an exaggerated pout on his face. He whipped around to grab a big puppy dog stuffed animal out of Vick's arms. "Even if I brought my god son or god daughter this adorable puppy dog that looks just like me?" He batted his eyelashes and put on his best sad face.

Another pain shot through my body, and I let it all out. "Julian, get the fuck out of here," I screamed through the pain. "For the love of god, you won't be made this child's god father."

He stood straight up, with wide eyes. "I-I... Sorry Jess!" He whipped around and grabbed Victoria's hand before dragging her out of the room.

** Danny's POV **

"Alright, Jess, just one more big push for me and your baby will be here," Doctor Marshall called from the other side of the curtain thing that was blocking Jess' nether region from us.

I sucked in a breath and braced myself as Jess clutched my hand— giving one last push. Jess' breathing was heavy beside me, causing me to tear my attention from my surroundings and to her. "You did great, babe," I mumbled as I dipped down, moved my mask and pressed my lips to hers softly. "I love you, so much."

Her half shut eyes snapped open. "Where's the baby? Danny, there's no crying," she frantically said as she gripped my wrist tightly. Her beautiful green eyes were full of worry. "Danny!"

My eyebrows shot up, as I realized she was right. I tore my arm from her grip and looked around the curtain to see the doctor and nurse with the baby on the table, trying to resuscitate it. It was like all the air was punched out of my lungs.

My baby was lying there, lifeless— not breathing or moving. My legs became shaky as I moved back over to Jess where I leaned against the bed and grabbed her right hand in both of mine. "Babe..." Tears fell down my cheeks.

Her scared green eyes looked up at me as she practically whispered, "No." I sighed and nodded as a sob was shaken out of my chest.

"I-I... I'm sorry Jess," I cried as I leaned down and rested my face at the crook of her neck.

Her arms moved up and wrapped around me. "Danny," she sobbed into my shoulder.

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