0 3 Stab Me

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I was cohabiting with a man and he saw me naked and wet. I was so confused that I didn't know what to cover—My body or his eyes. I let out an ear ringing scream.

"Peeping Tom! Get out! Don't look at me!" I had lost it. Any girl would if a random guy, okay not just a random guy but any guy just saw her naked. I mean, that's what books have told me. It's not okay to show your skin to anyone but your lover. I hope I didn't overreact.

"What are you so upset about, Milady?" He asked. I totally did overreact, didn't I? Wait—Maybe he's fooling me?

"Can't you see it by yourself?" I asked, confused as I turned back.

"No, I can see. Each and everything."

The rest of the day was quite normal and usual like always. I just had a blonde-head cleaning up the library with a slap mark on his face. I was annoyed—I didn't know why so to calm myself, I decided to read my favourite author, Mr Akagi Scheczalier's book.

Lict came to me, "Milady, I have a request."

"What is it?" Don't tell me he's got addicted and now he wanted to see more of my skin. Well, now, I couldn't really scratch out that possibility because of such a noble beauty I was.

"Could you take me to the outside world?" He pleaded. Oh, so it wasn't about me. Fair enough, I won't show myself to him either way.

"Now that I'm human, I was thinking that I want to experience the human world. I want to do things which human teenagers do, please, just this once?"

"Of course. Let's go out." I didn't really want to go out at that time—Who am I even fooling? I never want to go out. There is nothing good about the sun. It burns you, tans you and makes you age like a mortal.

But I was not aware of what teenagers really did when they went out. All that I had read was that they eat loads of fast food, read comics or have sex.

So, he was after my ass! But I decided I won't be easy. I would be fierce and classy like those leads in the novels. We ate ice cream, and went to this area called a "mall". Lict was smiling all the time while he was at it. Maybe he was thinking about sex—Something which he wasn't getting.

We finally sat at a cafe to take a break.

"You really love humans?" I was curious about him.

"Yes, I've always fancied the human world. It's so colourful and full of life and sounds."

There wasn't anything appealing to me when I looked at humans. I will tell you what I felt towards them was utter disgust and pity. But, I won't talk about this further as I want you to witness human monstrosity yourself.

As we moved through the market, Lict suddenly stopped and looked ahead of him.

"Milady, a blank space," He stretched his arm forward, with his palm parallel to his body. A huge, golden square appeared in front of us and engulfed us within it. I guess all of that was invisible to humans as no one reacted to it. Or maybe it was normal? Maybe humans knew magic? I had read some books.

Everything turned pitch black. I found a red thread on my little finger and I turned back to find that the other end was connected to Lict! Treacherous! It then suddenly vanished. He still looked very serious and haughty.

"It's finally time." He whispered.

"Time for what, Lict?" I asked and found ourselves on the surface of a volcanic mountain. Is this what the Japanese called "seppuku"? Were we here to kill ourselves because he saw my skin and I let him see it?

He pointed towards something and I found two shadows coming towards us. They slowly resembled two people. One was a man who looked about the same age as us and the other was a girl who looked like a high school student. The man was formally dressed in a black suit while the girl was wearing a yellow jumpsuit and had gorgeous pink hair with brown highlights.

"Hello people! How are you?" She greeted us and like a civilised, not so mortal being I was—I found it absolutely necessary to greet her back.

"I'm fine. How are you?" I can tell she didn't expect that. In life, you must expect the unexpected—Who knows, the next Lict might happen to you. Why am I saying this as if it is some tragedy?

"You've got a nice body—Totally my type. Wanna hook up?" She was a slut, a hoe and a whore, clinging on to a man who had my slap's mark on his face! I used all three words since I didn't know the difference between them.

But then, she was suddenly shot by a gun by the man behind her. And she died. I didn't know someone's role in a novel as humongous as this one, could be so vile. I was obliterated from the inside. I thought they were partners, maybe? Or do enemies in the demigod world walk together—I didn't know.

"What are you doing? Stop wasting my time, wrap it quickly." He ordered.

There was something not right. Although she was shot she got up! And she was not bleeding, instead, her blood became fine red threads and all of them joined together. One end of the threads remained inside her wound while the other end flowed and wrapped around the wrist of that man.

How disastrous it seemed. From the flow of things, I could imagine what was going to happen in the next few moments. It was a parade. I was going to die if I didn't do anything—Which was good! Death is good!

"Make it quick. I'm running on a deadline here." He said.

"Understood, Milord."

So, that must be her demigod and she's his star spirit. But where are we? There were volcanoes all around.

"Lict—Do you know her?"

"Lict? Is that your spirit name, the hour of music? What a lovely name! Your master looks like a girl, are you sure he's strong?" What is with everyone mistaking and assuming my gender? Can't they see this huge load of meat God has decorated on my chest to attract male partners or do I not give off any feminine energy whatsoever?

"Milady, we're in a parallel universe called blank space. This is a place where star spirits fight each other. It's basically like a fighting ring. Every star spirit can make one whenever they want and even control their entrance and exits. About who she is, her title is 'where there's lust'." Answered Lict ignoring the girl.

"Hold on, did you just say 'Milady'? Oh my God—You're a female?" She was evidently shocked. I tried to conceal my anger and asked her why she was so surprised about my gender. Or was I so alpha that I wasn't even a female anymore?

"Because demigods are always guys. It's the first time I've seen a female demigod."

What? I totally did not see that coming. Wait—Could it be that I'm non-binary? What are the odds; we are going to die and I'm still confused about my sexuality. I've wasted ten years over nothing!

"Stop babbling ugly, if you wanna fight to get over it already," Lict said.

"Wow! That's some confidence you have there, Lict" She smirked.

Lict took my left hand and handed me a knife. He told me to stab him and I'm not joking.

"Stab me, milady, and make it fatal."

To be continued

To be continued

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Lict: The Hour of Music
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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