3 6 An Exceptional Exchange

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After the practice parade, I was tired. I realised that star spirits used their demigod's spirit energy to fight. Of course, I have the best of all other energies—No wonder we won! But I'm not sure if we always will win. Everyone looked so good and confident at what they were doing and I? I was just hiding behind Lict as always. I hate it when I can't do anything others can. My wounds had healed already but the scratches and bruises on Lict's body had to be treated. I did that for him. I might as well become a damn nurse if this continues. This is not what I'm supposed to do but then I just do it because well, who else would look after him if I don't? It's not like I want to do it—I just don't have any other choice. I looked at the band-aids on his arms and touched them gently.

"What are we going to do?" I asked. Honestly, I was anxious again.
"What do you mean, Milady?"
"There are elite stars like you and they are so much stronger than us—They have even achieved their second form while we are still stuck in our first form. We might not make it until the end."
"Milady," He held my hand into his, "Don't look at what they have. Look at what you have. Look at me, Milady. You have me. You have music and music is the strongest form of magic."

I nodded but I was still insecure. I decided to take a bath before bed and forget about it. After I took my bath and entered her room, I saw that Lict was asleep already. What a disgrace to see your butler sleep before you! But I decided not to bother him because that's not my job! Instead, I decided to study a bit before bed. At midnight, the weather turned wild. A strong wind blew outside the window. I closed my book and looked back. The moonlight was falling on Lict, lighting up his skin. I moved towards him and pressed the blemish mark on his neck which was turning a bit darker every day.

"Do you want to form a contract, Vierne?" I heard and got up. I may or may not have peed in my skirt.
"Who is it?!" I shouted as that was the only thing I could do. As lightning lit up the clouds, I saw a shadow of the devil on Lict. And the amulet on his back burned into blue fire. It was gone like it was never there. I freaked out and I was so damn afraid to be beside him after that that I slept in his room, away from him.

The next morning, I woke up with a bad headache. Lict prepared me some tea, "If you don't like it, Milady, then I won't sleep with you. You don't really have to sleep in a different room because of me." I felt bad but I couldn't help it! I have no shame in admitting that I am scared of demons. Especially, if they try to form a contract with me.

"I think it would be good for both of us to sleep in our respective rooms," I suggested.
"What is it about demons, Milady?'
"You don't have to worry about that. Lay the breakfast."
"Understood, Milady," He left. So, the demon inside Lict was after my soul now? As if I'd give in. Wait--Is this how he met Lict's previous demigod too? And maybe he agreed to the contract? But why would he do that? Wasn't he a fangxianshi? Why would he take a demon's help and how did he meet one who was ready

I heard a knock at my door—It was lord Akagi.
"You're gonna be late again." He had a cigarette in his mouth. Seriously, who smokes in the morning?! How addicted are you?! I bet you taste like smoke. Oh right, I should ask him,
"Lord Akagi, if you were to meet a demon and he asks you to make a contract--What would you wish for in exchange for your soul?"
"Maybe I'd ask him to kill himself."

I guess I asked the wrong person.

"Stop asking weird questions and come down," He commanded.
"Yes." I was lost. I wanted to know what happened to Wujin. And was it going to happen to me too? Were those gods that plotted against him or were they demons?

I ate my breakfast and then we all left for school. Lict was with me all the time that day and it made me happy. Dasha bitch was burning with jealousy. How did I know of that? Well because I can smell trash burn so it must be her. Ha! On your face, bitch! I took my man away and you couldn't stop me. But I felt something coming towards me—I kind of sensed it. She pushed me on the door near the janitor's closet and looked into my eyes, "What did you tell Lict?"

What? Well, kindly be more specific, I told him a lot of stuff.

"Oh, so that's why he is like this? You told him what I have been doing to you?!" She punched me. You know, at times like these, I honestly wish I could just remove my ring and become an assassin. But to hell with that rule, "It's against the law to use your powers against someone with lower spirit energy." I simply looked at her and smirked. I couldn't do it in—I pitied her and maybe even felt like laughing at her.

"You!" She raised her fist but Galkin grabbed it, "What are you doing?"
"Who are you?!" She shouted at him. Galkin looked at me. I was embarrassed that he saw me in that state. I had the honour of nobility and it was gone after this since I was being thrashed by this offensive mortal creation of half flesh half makeup. He left her and grabbed my arm, "Come with me." I saw that he was wearing a spellbinding ring too. But he didn't need that? He could control his powers! At least, that's what I thought.

"Galkin?" He wasn't saying anything so I did the work, "Where are we going?"
I have read books. Scenes like this always end up at a fishy corner with zipped down pants—But I, I want no sex! I pulled back but alas! Men are strong beings. He took me to the staff which was something new because this was a weird kink. He opened the door and shouted, "I'm on a runt!"


For those of you who don't know—A runt is when a demigod's sila increase in strength and go out of their control on certain occasions. There might be no underlying cause for it. It's like a boner but less embarrassing. Oh! So, that is the reason why he was wearing a spellbinding ring? Smart! Men like Galkin...What should I say—They can slap you on your face and you'd thank them for it. All the teachers looked at him, lord Akagi left his cup of boiled water and ran towards us. He grabbed his hand and walked out of the staff room. We stood in the empty halls and stared at each other.

"My spellbinding ring is breaking." He is loaded! I stared at him like a thirsty woman in porn videos! Wait—How do I know this? Again, books. I read all genres--I'm open-minded. I'm a demigod.
"No one has become a victim, perhaps."
He totally did something.

"Alright Vierne, hold his hands." Lord Akagi told me. Am I not lucky to be surrounded by handsome, young men...and Lict. I did as I was told. He touched our foreheads with both his hands, "I'm transferring some stability of your ring to Galkin. It should do him good for a day."

Everything was supposed to go smoothly until Galkin's eyes began shining and I blacked out. When I opened my eyes, I found Melissa sleeping beside me. It was night time already. I got up. It was dark but I could never mistake my room for somebody else's and it wasn't my room. My body felt heavy and I smelled of lord Akagi's cologne. I switched on the lamp and looked at my hands. They were bigger and a bit darker in colour.

"Milord? Are you okay?" Melissa asked and got up.
"Milord?" I quickly held my throat, "Milord?"
Oh no.

-To be continued

Lict // Vierne Obolensky // Akagi Scheczalier Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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Lict // Vierne Obolensky // Akagi Scheczalier
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

Dear Ms Lady DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now