7 7 The Gatekeeper

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Evgeni picked up the pieces of the broken dagger and looked at it. It pierced the blighted skin on his hands and blood flowed down his elbows onto the white snow.

"Lobelia," He sobbed, "I can't believe we lost. Does that mean you'll leave me alone and I will forget about everything? So, all that meant nothing," He began crying and his tears fell on the dagger.

He cried as he looked at his blurred reflection on the silver dagger, "I'm sorry for not being someone I could have been. I'm sorry for never being strong enough to fight beside you. I'm sorry for always holding you back. I'm sorry for not being good enough. I'm sorry that I couldn't understand and stay strong on what I wanted.

You were always trying so hard to make a wish which wouldn't benefit you in any way while I just wanted everything to peacefully fade away." He cried, "You know I've always wanted to just walk away from everything rather than fight it.

I've wanted to give up so many times but then I remember you, and that you'll miss me if I'm gone but then again, I just want to break free from all the struggles, and pain, and anxiety.

I love you so much though I don't know how to stop that because now it's making me so weak." He breathed, "You think I don't notice, that everytime you look at me there's so much pain in your eyes and I can't bear to see it. And I am sorry for being so selfish but I still love you. Please don't go. Look how human I am, I can't survive alone."

"Evgeni, you're losing a lot of blood!" Vierne ran towards him.

"Come back, Lobelia. It's not an order, it's a request." The dagger began shining and all his blood turned into fine threads that surrounded him and the dagger. Evgeni got up and looked at the shining dagger pieces that joined together and Lobelia reverted back to a white wolf with purple thorns on her head. All her wounds and the blight healed.

Evgeni took a step back and the white wolf went inside him. The threads went back into his body and his wounds and blight healed within seconds. He looked at himself.

His eyes were purple, just like Lobelia and his hair was longer. He had two purple thorns on his head and a purple spear in his hands. Lict and the others looked at him, "Vyzov forma tri," Lict narrowed his eyes. Vierne looked at Lict, "Lobelia got her third form!"
Ivsana opened her paper fan, "This will be interesting indeed,"

It was the final parade for the gatekeeper throne. All the gods assembled over the coulds to watch the parade and the strength and weakness of the to be gatekeeper.

Evgeni looked at Vierne. He pointed his spear at her.
"It's just you and I now, sister," He said, "I promised Lobelia, that I would become the gatekeeper,"
Vierne smiled, "What a waste to make promises that might never fulfil,"

She slit Lict's palm with her hand knife, "Lict! Protect me, this is an order from your lady demigod herself!" The pact was formed.

'Milady, you don't need to speak the spells,' Lict said in her head.
'I can hear you!'
'Of course, you can,' Now that Lict's seal was broken, he could use all his magic without a bound.

"Lict! I want a sword," Lict made a golden sword and threw it at Vierne. She caught it, "Milady,"
She stood beside him, "Let's protect each other. I will fight for you,"

Lict smiled and went up into the air while Vierne ran towards Evgeni. She swung her sword and Evgeni quickly dodged her, "Hey, my legs feel stronger," He looked down.
"Watch out, Milord!"
He dodged Vierne and fought with her head on.

Vierne and Evgeni fought while Lict rose an entire maze of golden walls above Evgeni. Vierne and Evgeni ran in opposite ends of the diameter of a circle.

"Milord, look up," Lobelia said and Evgeni looked up. All the walls came falling down at him. He swung his spear that gave out a white light and broke all the golden walls. Vierne attacked him and he defended himself. Lict walked down the air with his golden boots and landed on the floor and pressed it tightly. Golden, sharp crystals protruded out of the ground. Evgeni dodged them and ran towards Vierne.

He pulled his spear back and aimed at her stomach. He didn't hesitate an inch but Lict made a golden crystal just beneath Vierne and she jumped up into the air, right above Evgeni.

'Throw Vivana Musica on my sword. No questions!'

Vierne aimed at Evgeni neck as her cold blue eyes looked into his purple eyes. Lict threw a golden beam through his palms on Vierne's sword and she changed her aim to his spear. The sword and Vivana Musica struck together on the spear and created a huge explosion.

Lict quickly created a shield surrounding Vierne while the smoke covered everything. Evgeni lay unconscious on the ground with his spear into pieces. His body began giving out smoke as the pieces of the spear turned into ashes.

Vierne jumped down on the ground and looked at Evgeni. She smiled, "I want to become a gatekeeper so that no siblings have to fight for a throne like we did, brother,"

Lict stood behind her with a huge smile on his face. All the gods watching from the clouds gossiped among each other. The parade was won by a woman—This would create a lot of problems in the future when it would come to performing the duties of a Gatekeeper—At least, that's what the gods believed.

Goddess Ivsana closed her fan and walked towards Vierne, "Congratulations, Lady Gatekeeper. Now tell me, what do you wish for?"

Vierne looked around her, "Akagi, Melissa, Galkin, Nadia, Slavik, Belka, Lobelia," She dug her sword into the ground, "I want them all back, just the way they were."

"You can ask to meet your mom and dad," Goddess Ivsana was at it again—Waking up the greed in human mind, "You can ask about yourself and who you are, you can ask for more power or for—"

"I'm sorry goddess or whatever they call you but I'd rather have people who I still remember than those whose faces have blurred out from my memory. So, I wish that everyone I've lost in this parade comes back."

"Alright," The goddess smiled and opened her fan. She disappeared all of a sudden. Vierne sat beside Evgeni and Lict looked at her,

'You always sacrifice way too much, Milady. I know you wanted them back but you chose not to.'

"It was," Vierne said. Lict forgot that she could hear his mind now, "It was not a sacrifice, it was a promise. I promised a person that I'd not let him make sacrifices, and so I didn't,"

Evgeni slowly opened his eyes, "How do you feel now?" She asked.
He slowly got up and looked at her and Lict, "I'm sorry but..." He looked into her eyes,

"Do I know you?"

-To be continued

Evgeni Medvediva | Lobelia Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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Evgeni Medvediva | Lobelia 
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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