7 5 Into the Woods

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When the sun rose up, Laura and Avgustin walked through the snow, "I can't feel his spirit energy at all," Laura panicked, "He's not here!"
"Maybe someone took him. Let's go to the police,"

They contacted the police but even after one week, there was no news of Evgeni's whereabouts. Laura had cried her eyes out and Avgustin couldn't watch that anymore. He walked to her, "Our son is suffering so much because of the sins that we committed," Laura sobbed.
"Let's go pray at the church," Avgustin said.

They went to the church and prayed. Avgustin had his eyes closed when Laura opened them gently and looked up at a child standing on the railings of the first floor. It was a girl. She looked into her eyes.

She soon ran away and Laura ran behind her. Avgustin opened his eyes and looked at her run. She climbed the stairs and ran towards the place where that girl was standing. She looked around, "What are you doing?" Avgustin asked.

"Avgustin!" Laura shouted.
"May I help you?" A nun stood behind her. Laura looked at her, "I saw a kid here. She had black hair and blue eyes,"

"It must be Vierne," She laughed, "I was finding her to call her for breakfast but she ran away with her friends. Oh, there she is, Vierne!" Laura turned back. Vierne hid behind the statue of Mary.

"Vierne, enough of playing. Come have food," Vierne turned back to run but Avgustin caught her into his arms and raised her up, "You naughty devil,"
Vierne shrieked and kicked her feet into the air, "She's a lively one, isn't she?"
"All kids are," The nun smiled.

Avgustin looked into her eyes and Vierne stared back. He was shocked, "Laura," He looked at Laura.
"I know," Laura turned towards the nun, "Where did you find her,"

"Into the Woods, she was shivering in the cold so we took her in. We found her on the Friday before easter that's why we named her Vierne."
Vierne ran towards the dining hall and ate with other children.

Laura looked at Vierne, "Sister," She said to the nun, "We would like to adopt the child,"
"Oh my," The nun looked happy, "Why this sudden decision?"
"Sometimes," Laura looked at Vierne pull another kid's hair, "Sudden decisions are the best ones."

The paperwork was done and they brought Vierne home, to the winter mansion. They stayed there for six months and Vierne soon opened up to them.

"She looks exactly like you," Avgustin said, "How is that possible?"
Laura just smiled without ever answering Avgustin's question. Finally, in spring, they left for Moscow. Vierne was precocious and lively, unlike Evgeni, she couldn't sit at one place or pay attention to one thing at a time.

Laura would sing the same song to Vierne that she did for Evgeni and Vierne sang with her as she began learning the song. They made a similar pendant for her, with her name engraved on it. Laura believed that Evgeni was alive and those pendants would help them recognise each other.

Suddenly one day, Vierne fell sick. Her fever wouldn't go down and no doctor could cure her.
"We have lost one son, we can't lose her too," Laura said.
"I am trying the best I can," Avgustin said.

Vierne got her Sila and the fever disappeared. After that, anything she touched would break into thousands of pieces. Avgustin sent the coachman to Estes, at the Escola school of supernatural to get a spellbinding ring for a seven-year-old child.

But before the coachman could return, the rumours somehow spread inside the village around the mansion that Evgeni was killed by the assassin and the Lady had adopted a girl child from a witch. She could destroy anything that touched her.

The villagers revolted against a witch ruling them. One night, they came in huge masses, with fire sticks in their hands. Avgustin and Laura kissed Vierne's forehead and locked her inside her room. "My Lord!" The head maid stood at the main entrance. Avgustin held a pistol in his hand.

The valet transformed into a white horse and fought with the villagers to keep them away from the mansion.
But he alone couldn't defeat such a huge mass and they killed him.
"Lynn!" Laura shouted and the villagers threw the fire sticks at the mansion. Everything caught fire.

Laura rose in the air as her eyes shone bright blue, "I've had enough of you mortals killing my family."
They moved back, "She's a witch too! Kill her!"
"Laura no!" Avgustin shouted but she didn't listen. There was a sudden earthquake and soon everyone shredded into pieces. Those who were left ran outside the mansion to call for more help. Laura fell on the floor of the rose garden.

"What have you done, Laura? Did you forget that we cannot kill a mortal?"
"I did what I felt was necessary to protect my family," Laura wiped her tears. As she moved her hands away from her face, she saw a blight spreading through her palm.

Avgustin leaned towards her, "The curse is coming."
She pointed towards his gun, "Now is the right time to kill me before I contaminate the place and get you blighted too."
"My Lady," The head maid sat beside her. They heard the voices of the villagers.

"Laura, no," Avgustin shook his head as his eyes turned wet, "Laura,"
"Don't touch me. Do it, Avgustin. Don't let my efforts go in vain. Kill me and run away with Vierne. You have to ensure that she lives,"
"Who the hell is she?!"

Laura smiled, "She's our daughter,"

The villagers broke into the mansion and went in search of Vierne. Avgustin stood before Laura with his pistol in his hand, "I love you, Laura."
She smiled, "I love you too, Avgustin."
He shot her thrice and she fell on the ground. He reloaded the gun, "Feline,"
"Yes, my lord,"
"Bury her right here. I don't want them to reach her body."
"Yes, my lord."

"And then run away. Never come back here,"
"What about you, my lord?"
His eyes glowed blue, just like Vierne "Forget that I existed," He ran inside the mansion through the back door and entered Vierne's room. She sat on a chair, looking at the door.

He hugged her tightly, "Papa's going, Vierne. You have to be strong, alone."
"When will you return, papa?"
He looked at her with tears in his eyes and the world's best smile, "Soon,"
"What about me?"

"You stay here. They say we are sinners so we need to go"
"I'll go with you,"
"You are no sinner so you can't come."
He kissed her cheeks, "Goodbye, Vierne." He got up and ran out of the room. The wooden ceiling fell on Vierne.

Avgustin fired shots at everyone who came close to him but soon his bullets finished and he threw the pistol aside. They came towards him and stabbed him, but mortals couldn't kill him. However, he saw a god's hand in the crowd that stabbed him into his heart.

The mansion was falling down slowly and he fell down with it. They left him there and ran out. His dead body burnt to ashes into the hallway. When the coachman returned, the mansion had burnt completely. The silver gemstones on its walls were stolen away. The church tower beside it finally broke down, breaking the surrounding walls. The cross got dug inside the ground and the entire village caught fire.

Feline ran away as ordered by Avgustin and the coachman threw the spellbinding ring into the woods. They believed that the entire family was dead. The mansion burnt non-stop for a week until it rained and calmed down the fire. Vierne's body burnt and healed continuously.

Five years passed and she was still sitting on her chair, looking at the door, without moving an inch. Finally, she opened her lips.
"Is it soon yet?"

Aleksei stood at a corner and witnessed all this. He closed the box and the smoke around reappeared.
"It's happening again," He looked at the burning mansion.

-To be continued

Vierne Obolensky Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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Vierne Obolensky
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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