2 7 A Royal Friend

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I had realised this, mortals, that my grades were in danger. I passed magic theory, Russian literature, history, science and maths with flying colours. The only two subjects that were putting me behind were—Magic practical and Mannerisms. Both these subjects required more practical knowledge than what could be achieved by reading books.

I could memorise dates, poems, formulas and spells. But the application of the spells that I had learnt or following up with the mannerisms class seemed more like a task. Mannerisms class was more for becoming a gatekeeper and not just being stronger as a demigod. Ms Sophie told us that it would prevent us from being embarrassed by ourselves in social situations. I took an immediate interest in the classes after that but it just didn't seem to click.

I couldn't dance the Russian dance, perform the English waltz, do the poise training or play any musical instruments. Books seemed helpless to my failing grades. It was an A+ everywhere except in those two wretched subjects. Ms Sophie told me that I was failing. And I needed to make a breakthrough.

Thanks, Uchitel, I didn't realise that. I decided to take some external help.

So, I contacted Galkin and asked him to teach me poise and dance. Surprisingly, he agreed. And we started. He asked me to stand on one foot in my heels. It ended just the way you might have imagined. I couldn't do it. But he told me that was how he learned. Master your balance at first, then you can balance other things over you.

I will still be surprised to know that Galkin was royalty. He was of a higher position than me. Out of curiosity, I asked him more about it. He had the same stature as me—He wasn't very tall. But he was graceful and elegant.

"It's mainly because I learnt ballet when I was a kid. In that, I learnt about poise and everything else." He told me while we were performing the waltz.
"Does royalty have to learn all that?" I asked.
"Yes. We have to learn one classical musical instrument, ballet, waltz, sword fighting, poise, manners, economics and civics."

"Where are you from?" I asked.
"But isn't Russia a communist country? How come you're still ruling?"
"Parts of Siberia are still ruled by my family."
"I never heard of it."

"That's because some parts of Siberia are still unexplored by mortals. My kingdom is called Alkinshime. It's in the east of Siberia, over the Arctic circle. People who live there haven't seen the outside world."
"Why is that so?"
"Because they are all magical beings. Mostly psychics like Aleksei. So, to protect them from mortals, my great grandfather created a magical barrier around the kingdom."

"Then, how come you are outside?"
"Because I'm royalty. So, I can pass through the barrier. However, I don't wish to stay here for long. After my graduation, I'm going to go back and take over the throne."
"So, you aren't participating in the parade?"

"No. I'm not. I've closed the blocked gates of the Astral world. I've got a bigger responsibility for my shoulders. This year, we'll graduate."
"Just one year?"
"Yes," We were still dancing the waltz and I didn't realise but I was doing it perfectly as I listened to him.

Does a place like that really exist? Where only magical beings live—Could I go there too? I wanted to. I was tired of this place. I wanted to be among people like me, who would understand me and I won't have to hide what I am before them.

"Are you the crown prince?" I asked.
"Yes," Galkin smiled.
"What's your name again?"
"Prince Gavril Galkin Dulik."
"So, your first name is Gavril."
"You can just call me Galkin."

I felt honoured to be dancing with a person as important as him. Galkin was the crown prince of not just any kingdom but a kingdom of magic. I wanted to see it. How were people there? How did they live? I wanted to learn more about them. I can't believe I had learnt the waltz. But then I remembered, in my blurred memory, I saw myself dancing the waltz with my father. I was taught the waltz years ago—I just needed to remember it. I thanked Galkin and left the dance hall.

"Vierne," He called out and I turned back. He smiled at me, "Be a kind gatekeeper." He believed in me and that made me happy, "I will." I smiled back. It was nice to be trusted. It was nice to make friends. Demigod friends. As I walked into the halls, I met Dasha.

I was in a good mood and I had no plans of ruining it. So, I turned back to move away from a headache but she grabbed my hair and pulled me back. She dragged me on the floor as she pulled my hair. It was hurting. I tried pulling back but then it hurt more. Finally, we reached the Janitor's room where she pulled my hair and threw me on the dustbin. I looked up at her and she grabbed my face,

"I saw you with Grigory, what were you doing with him—You slut!"
"Grigory and I are just friends—"
"Shut up!" She kicked me in my stomach and I clenched it tightly. It was hurting more than usua and I saw her other friends surround me.

They all kicked while I covered myself with my hands. If it were just her, I think I could have fought her but she never attacked alone. There were always so many people around her. And I was afraid as I looked at their dark shadows above me. I don't know why I got reminded of fire.

I crawled away and squirmed into a corner as they laughed. They closed the door of the Janitor's room and locked me in. It was cold and dark. And I didn't move or shout for help. Because I felt that my memories were returning and I would forget them again if I moved. I had faint images in my head. I remembered bits and pieces. I was burning in that mansion and I didn't know where the fire came from but it took everything away. Everything that was mine. Now I remembered why I was so afraid of humans. I didn't hate them, I feared them and I still do.

How do I cure myself?

Is there a cure for this? And where is everyone when I need them? My wounds were healing already. Soon, the scars would disappear but what about those on my mind? Will they ever heal from this?

I don't want my wounds to heal. I want to carry all my scars with my head held high so that people could see what I have been through to be where I am. I can't lose so easily. I have to fight, it doesn't matter if I'm alone. Doesn't matter if they are ten or ten thousand—As long as I can breathe, I will fight. Because only violent streams have clear water, peaceful streams grow muddy and dead.

And I don't want to die.

-To be continued

Galkin Gavril DulikDear Ms Lady Demigod

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Galkin Gavril Dulik
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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