4 8 A Love Worth Dying For

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I was tired and sweating. I hate sweating because it makes me feel gross. I fell down and looked at Lobelia. She had healed from all the wounds I had given her—Was this a joke? I had used up all my muscle strength for nothing? "What the hell are you?" I was annoyed. But then, I saw light. It was coming from Melissa. It was so bright that I almost went blind. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, Melissa was gone and Lord Akagi had a huge double-bladed axe in his hand. The axe was even bigger than him and seemed heavy. He stood on the blade at the lower side which protruded out like an elephant tusk. The axe seemed like stainless steel with pink marks on its holdfast. Evgeni was up by then.

"Milady," I turned and Lict stood beside me.
"Lict—We need to help lord Akagi—"
"He might not need our help anymore" Lict smiled and looked at them. What was this squeak saying now? I swear if Lord Akagi dies, I will obliterate this guy first. I looked ahead at them.

"Alright Melissa, let's see how strong you are." Lord Akagi shouted and dug the axe into the ground. Lobelia ran towards them, Evgeni looked into his diary, "Magixiya 43, Orfografii v tret'ikh, Vyzov forma tri, Rosa Swogaris" Lord Akagi was surrounded by hundreds of swords.
"Just watch, Milady." I realised Lict was collecting back the spirit energy he had lost by resting. He seemed tired and dull—Talk about being useless—That's what we both were at that moment.

As all the swords moved towards Lord Akagi, he grabbed the holdfast of the axe and rose up making a human flag. He moved around it in the air, deflecting the sword, one of the swords hit him on his shoulder and tore off the arm of his coat. Then as he got down, he rotated it so fast with so much force, I felt the wind on my face. He disappeared and Lobelia made a shield before her. He came through it, breaking that shield in pieces, "Lobelia! Magixiya 7, Orfografii v tret'ikh, Vyzov forma tri Purin gravity" Evgeni shouted.

"It's that same gravity spell," Lict said.
"Oh no—Lord Akagi," But he dodged all her spells, she couldn't catch him because of how fast he was. She was beginning to grow irritated. Lord Akagi was awesome. He removed his coat and stood before her in his shirt. His eyes were glowing red, "He seems excited," Lict said, "A demigod's eyes glow when they are excited."

I didn't know that. Lord Akagi was winning. Can't believe these people are the strongest. They just have more Magixiyas with them, that's all.
"Alright, playtime's over," Evgeni said and Lobelia smirked. Oh no, something bad was going to happen, wasn't it?

"Lobelia, Vivana silenca—Second form,"
Evgeni was using his star spirit's second form! I couldn't believe what I saw next—Lobelia began glowing and became a fucking dagger! What the fuck! I burst out laughing but then quickly covered with my very natural cough.

Well, this would be an easy win. Lord Akagi ran towards him. Lict quickly stood before me and moved his arm making a shield before Lord Akagi while Evgeni moved the dagger in the air. I saw a light which moved towards Lord Akagi but Lict's shield protected him. Now it was a fight between Lict's shield and Lobelia. She turned back by then and Evgeni fell on the floor, tired and out of breath. His nose was bleeding. Was he tired already?

The shield was developing a crack on it meanwhile Lord Akagi ran away from there. I looked at Lict's hands, his palms were bleeding.

"You haven't changed at all," Lobelia grinned, "Even now, all you care about is others and that's your biggest weakness. Isn't it, dear twin brother?" What—Twin! I did know that the twelve stars were siblings but Lict had a twin?! The shield shattered and Lict fell on his knees, grabbing his chest and coughing in pain.

She walked towards us and looked down at him, "I will kill you with my own hands."
"Wait—Are you twins? Why would you want to kill your own twin brother?"

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