6 3 We Seemed To Win

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Evgeni and Lord Akagi were childhood friends, brought together by origin and separated by lies. Till now I believed that Evgeni was evil because he wanted to bring Lord Akagi back to the dungeon, but I was wrong. He was misled by lies.

Siah told him that they were keeping Akagi in the dungeons because his Sila was dangerous to mankind. That was a lie--Skorost couldn't harm anyone. And even if it could, what right does she have to take away his freedom? She is nothing but a mere mortal. The thoughts of her controlling a demigod infuriated me.

I took it upon myself to unveil the curtains of Lord Akagi's past before Evgeni so that he could decide who to support without being biased. He told me he felt betrayed that Akagi suddenly left him. He looked for him everywhere and when he couldn't find him, he grew angry.

Had he known that Lord Akagi ran to safety, he would've been happy rather than angry. He was ready to apologise to Lord Akagi for the pain he had made him go through. Talking with Evgeni felt much better than fighting with him. I knew he was a good person by heart.

By that time, Siah came rushing out of the bushes, "Your highness!" She shouted and reached him, "Akagi is here to kill me! Please save me!"
Evgeni looked at her, "I'd be surprised if he wouldn't want to kill you,"

"Ms Siah, stop your act. I'm well aware of what you've done to my kind and that has made me very unhappy."
"I didn't do anything—"
"You imprisoned all those kids and even made deals of their organs!" I said.

"I did that?"
"There's no use hiding it," I said.
"I never did anything like that."
"How can you just turn away from your words like that?!" I shouted.

"Who do you trust more, your highness? Me or her?" Siah asked Evgeni.
"If I had to choose, I'd believe a demigod over a mortal, every time."
"...This is why I hate demigods," Siah said, "You think just because you have magic, you are superior?!"

"It's not just magic that makes us superior--You know that too. Demigods are forgiving by nature and people like you take advantage of that,"
"Yeah, I'm the worst, right?!"
"Yes, you are."

"And Akagi is nice? That little shit that ruined my life! "
"We all know who ruined whose life,"
"He shouldn't have been born because I knew that he'll inherit the school and the entire property. He should've died in the womb itself but he survived all that poison, that monster!"

"Poison?" I was surprised.
"I poisoned his mother while she was pregnant with him. But that bitch didn't die and I realised she was a goddess. Then, I poisoned his father and slowly killed him so that his death appeared natural."

"You did all this...Just for some money?" I asked, "Do you even have a soul?"
"Money is everything."
Evgeni and I stared at her.
"You literally took away everything from him—You out of everyone have no right to complain," I said.

"How I wish I were human so that I could just kill you here," Evgeni said.
"You can't hurt me." She smirked.
"Yes, and I'll make sure you don't do that to anyone either. Lobelia,"

Lobelia drew a circle with three lines cutting the circle into three equal pieces, then she drew a cross over it.
"I am the eternity of Silence, and today I lay my curse upon you."
"No!" Siah ran away.
"Your soul may never find peace, and everyone you've hurt would come back to you as voices, never leaving your ears with a moment silence,"

Siah heard the shrieks of all the children of the dungeon as she ran. She pressed her ears but the shrieks were just as loud, "Stop it!"
This might actually be worse than Lict's curse.

We walked inside the principal's office and Evgeni made an announcement on the school microphone inside the student dorms.

"I am Evgeni Medvediva," His voice reverberated through the halls and all the students in the dorms looked at the speakers, "The first prince of the Siberian dynasty, and I hereby announce that this school is being shut down because of inhumane actions and illegal organ sale by the principal. You all might as well contact your parents and go back home tomorrow morning. That's all."

I recalled what Akagi had told me "We need to leave, Lict! The train must be about to leave,"
I turned towards Evgeni, "Come with us, Evgeni."
"I want to but," He looked at his legs, "I'm afraid I'll just hold you back and slow you down."

Lobelia picked him up, "We're coming, guide the way,"
We ran out of the woods but it was dark, "Lict, Viviana Musica,"
Lict made two golden walls that lit up our path and cut down all the trees that came in our way, making the shortest way to the train.

The train had already started moving and we ran towards it. Lord Akagi was standing at the door, he saw Evgeni and Lobelia with us. He looked shocked, "Lord Akagi!" I shouted as she stretched my arm. He pulled me up, followed by Lict.

"Akagi," Evgeni stretched his arm.
The train was becoming faster and Akagi was just staring at him.
"What are you thinking, Akagi," Lict said but Akagi ignored him.
"Akagi! I'm sorry I've hurt you, please pull me up!" Evgeni shouted. Lobelia was getting tired and slowing down.

"Lord Akagi!"
"I really hate you, Evgeni. You love this school, don't you? Die with it." And they were left behind.
"Lord Akagi, why would you do that?" I shouted at him. Evgeni wasn't at fault—He was tricked by your aunt!"

"And he believed her," Lord Akagi said, "He trusted her more than me and that hurt,"
I didn't know what to say. It would hurt me too if Lord Akagi trusted someone else who bitched about me. I heard flaps of wings and looked outside the door. Lobelia was flying with Evgeni on her back.

"Akagi, I won't ask you to forgive me." Evgeni said, "But I just want to tell you that I never wished bad for you. I always saw a friend in you, from the first time we met till today."
"Friends don't hurt you."
"You usually hurt the people you love. If you hate someone, you can't hurt them—That usually happens with people you're close to."

Akagi walked inside, "Do whatever you want, it's not like you're used to listening to me." Lobelia walked into the train and Evgeni landed down.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Totally," He smiled, "It's a shame I couldn't win his trust."
"Oh, don't worry about that. You said it yourself, didn't you? Demigods are forgiving by nature,"

We went inside and sat beside the children. I asked them their names, the boy I had healed was called Maximus. They seemed a bit relaxed as we moved away from the school. We met Mrs Winston at the station. She took them from there. They were taken to the dorms, washed and fed.

I went to meet them two days later. Maximus looked very different from the first time we met. He was cute—Like a little brother. I kissed his forehead and patted his head. I always wanted to spoil a little brother.

"Maximus, how old are you?" I asked him to confirm his age.
"I'm nineteen,"
What the fuck?! He's no boy—He's a man! Fuck, I even kissed him—Thinking he was a kid. I'm blind.

"Mrs Winston told us that we'd be joining a school with you people. Then, I can see you every day." He leaned towards me, "Thanks for saving me, Vierne,"

My face lost its colour.
Oh heck no!

-To be continued 

Lobelia The eternity of SilenceDear Ms Lady Demigod

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Lobelia The eternity of Silence
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

Dear Ms Lady DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now