3 8 A Bit Drunk

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When they reached the school, Akagi went to the staff room and Vierne started moving towards her locker. Her first class that day was math while Lict had to attend Russian literature so he went ahead while she looked inside her book. She closed her locker and turned to leave for her class when someone brought their leg in between hers. She tripped and fell on the ground.

"Hello Vierne~," Dasha greeted with a smile. 'This is the bitch who has been bullying Vierne?' She looked at her, 'Looks like a human chihuahua.' Vierne slowly got up and stared at Dasha with a smirk "Oh, you're such a treasure—I want to bury you at this very moment. What is your name again?"

"What? You forgot already?"
"I find it difficult to remember the names of people who don't matter in my life. You might be one of them."
"Then remember it, I'm Dasha Vitroy,"
"Sounds basic." Vierne shrugged her shoulders. Dasha was shocked by Vierne's sudden change in behaviour but she didn't stop there.

"I guess you've grown some balls,"
"Maybe if you stop being such a bitch, you could grow some too." Vierne widened her eyes with a smile. The bell rang and Vierne moved to her class.

'This might be fun. I really wanted to be seventeen again and fuck my life differently. I have better plans.' Vierne thought as she opened the door and walked inside the class. She looked at her seat. It was covered with curses and abusive words but all that Vierne focused on was 'Slut'. She smiled "You know, Dasha, one of us is right. And the other one is you."

Dasha sat on her seat, surrounded by her friends.
"You are pretty different today—It's kind of pissing me off and making me go crazy" Dasha made an ugly expression
"You are going to be fine. You come from a stronger line of lunatics." Vierne said. Dasha's friends gasped.

"How dare you!"
"You bitch!"
Vierne smiled "I've got myself an entire fan club, I see."
"We aren't your fans," Debora said.
"How? I'm always a trending topic in your life."

"Damn girl!" One of the boys in the class shouted. Dasha was red from anger.
"What do you think I am?!" Dasha shouted as she got up and walked towards Vierne.
"I don't want to say it out loud but my guess is that you haven't been diagnosed yet." Dasha grabbed her collar and brought her closer to her.
"What's happening here?" The teacher said as he came in "Sit down on your seat, everyone."

Vierne went ahead and sat on Dasha's seat.
"It's my seat!" Dasha shouted.
"Are you a kid? Just sit wherever that ass can fit." Vierne said.
"What's going on there?" The teacher asked.
"Teacher! Look at her! She's sitting on my desk! She is supposed to sit only on that desk!" Dasha wined.

"I don't know what is worse—Your IQ or your hairline" Vierne said. The class burst into laughter. Even the teachers flinched, "Ms Dasha, let me start the class, just go sit beside Vierne." He said.

"Ugh! I just hate you, Obolensky" Dasha groaned and sat beside Vierne.
"You do realise that people are just tolerating you?"
"No, they are not! They love me."
"Pretty delusional, aren't we? Oh, honey, you're not pretty enough to be that dumb."
"I am a queen."
"... Now I know why God doesn't talk to us anymore."

"You just better stay away from Lict."
"Is it so important to look for a dick? I bet you don't even like him that much"
"Shut up. Oh my God—I love him! He's so fine!"
"I don't know. To me, he looks like a person who would buy condoms on his way to a family reunion."
"Then, you're blind! He is hot and you don't deserve him!"

"Certainly. I've deserved better—Like having a fancy dinner in the mansion rather than arguing with ranchers like you—You run after people you don't really love. How pitiable."
"I told you I love him. I'm just playing a bit hard to get so that he doesn't think I'm too easy."
"Huh? Why play so hard to get when you're already so hard to want?"
"You should be thankful I'm even sitting with you." Dasha rolled her eyes.
"No thanks, I treasure the time I don't spend with you." Vierne looked into her book.

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