5 7 I Had To Fight Too

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Akagi stood at the door of the train to Estes. The bishop came with him to bid him farewell, "If you ever need something, just send me a letter," He gave him a bible, "God is always with you, Akagi." Akagi took the bible and the bishop patted his head, "Everything will be good. In his time, he has made everything beautiful," Akagi bowed and went inside.
He sat and read the bible. At the station, he found Mrs Winston who recognised him immediately by his red eyes.

"Akagi?" She asked.
"Yes?" He looked at her.
"Oh, you are so cute." She stretched his cheeks, "Come, I'll show you your new house." He had started trusting humans again. He lived with Mrs Winston and her daughter. Every day, he would commutate to the school through the train. He was a good student and still had his typical Chinese habits with him—One of them was not wearing shoes inside the house or the classroom. His class was friendly towards him because they believed he was Mrs Winston's daughter's son.

'This is so cliché...' Akagi thought as he sat inside the train while reading a book, 'What is wrong with writers' imagination nowadays? Even I can write better than this. Wait—Should I try?'

"What do I write?" Akagi sat in front of his desk. He had an amazing idea of just writing down his story as a book. Once he started, he completed the book within five hours—Although the keyboard broke apart, at least the book was done. He decided to send it to a global writing contest on the Internet. After three months, he got a phone call telling him that he had won. He got awarded with a cash prize of €400.

"Our company wants to publish your book. So, I'm just wondering how much will you charge us, Mr cute author" The editor asked him while they sat inside a restaurant. He was fifteen, sitting in his school uniform.
"€500" Akagi said after a long pause of thought. She laughed, "I bet how much is the book going to earn once we publish it."

Four months after the release of his debut book, 'Girl In Chains', he realised he might be a millionaire. He earned an average of €500,000,000.00—The press was dying to meet him after they announced the writer was merely sixteen. The first talk show he visited made half of Russia fall for this prodigy. Women were crazy after him—It seemed as if he was growing more handsome as he grew up. The books released after were all successful and Akagi was awarded many literary awards for his outstanding work in the literature field. He slowly began enjoying what he was doing. Writing got him money, fame, followers and admirers.

He finished his studies in Escola by the time he turned seventeen—He was intellectually gifted and grabbed on the knowledge he was given at a very fast rate. After graduating high school, he decided to continue with literature as his main subject and decided to attend the University of Toronto in Canada, who were more than happy to spare him a seat in the university.

He walked into his class with a piece of bubble gum in his mouth and his books into his hands. Soon, all the students surrounded him for an autograph.
"Why does everyone know him but not me?" A girl said and everyone turned towards her. She had a strong French accent.
"Blair Tremblay," A boy said, "You don't know the most popular author—What are you even doing in a literature college?" They laughed.

Akagi looked at her. She had long, thick, pink dyed hair with brown highlights over them and wore a yellow jumpsuit.
"Shut up," She pouted and walked towards him, "I don't like you!"
"And?" Akagi raised his left eyebrow. He wasn't bothered. Everyone laughed at Blair. She just shouted gibberish out of frustration.

"You haven't been laid for a while, have you?" Akagi said and everyone hooted. Soon, the professor came in and everyone went to their seats. Akagi sat beside a fanboy who just stared at him instead of paying attention to his lectures. Akagi was used to it and he decided to just ignore him out of existence.

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