4 0 Yet To Know Magical Creatures

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Lict took Vierne to the blank space inside the Astral world. It was a desert with the scorching sun above them.

"Welcome!" An old man greeted them. A small girl stood beside him.
"What are you doing here, old fart? This is not a 'Who has the best dentures' competition" Vierne said.

"I see you have no manners. Is that what your parents taught you?"
"Jokes on you I don't have parents." Vierne said, "Melissa! Demolish the obstructions and engrave my way! This is an order from your lord demigod himself-" She paused and looked at Lict who seemed completely perplexed.

"Milady?" He was definitely wondering if she had hit her head somewhere.
"I mean,"
'What does Vierne say?'
"Lict! Fuck me this instant! Give me your music dick!"
'Nevermind, I'll just have some fun.'

Akagi walked towards the library and met Galkin. He was reading a book. Akagi ran towards him, "Galkin!" He slammed his palm on the table, "Look what you have done! I'm in lord Akagi's body."
"Well, good for you," He said.
"It isn't good!"
"It is," Galkin closed the book, "At least that girl isn't bothering you."

"Wait, Galkin-You knew?"
"Of course I did. Everyone did. Yeah, Slavik didn't because he's too much of a dimwit to understand what was going on. But others who have a normal IQ-They didn't help you because it wasn't there problem. I wasn't planning on helping you either but I couldn't watch it anymore. I mean...We are demigods, no human does shit to us. And if you hurt one of us, you hurt all of us." Akagi saw a king in him.

"I'm a prince after all. So, I should look after my people. And that's all I did so you don't have to be grateful."
"Thank you, Galkin."
"I said you don't have to be grateful,"
Akagi smiled, "Yes, your highness,"
Galkin looked at him, "You're beginning to turn weird, let's put you back into your body. The teacher must have handled that girl by now."

Dasha got up from her seat and walked towards Debora, "Debora, get some boys."
"What are you going to do?"
"Teach Vierne Obolensky a lesson her life."

"Something is wrong with you after all!" Lict blushed as he moved away from Vierne.
"What's going on? Hurry up!" The other pair had already formed a pact.
"Lict, I can't fight today. You can use your first magic without forming a pact, right?" Vierne said.
"I can but-"
"Lict," Vierne slowly raised her skirt a little over her knees "If you win this... I'll give you a private show. You want to watch it, right?"

"What the fuck?" The opponent star spirit said.
"Youngsters these days. Ikila, just finish this!"
"Yes, master!" She took out a sword from her hair, "Here I come!"
Lict turned red as he looked at Vierne's legs.
'That's a nice reaction Vierne gave an evil smirk. Suddenly, the girl reached him and swayed her sword but he turned and grabbed her neck. He slammed her on the ground and snatched her sword from her. He broke it into two effortlessly.

"That's my boy!" Vierne clapped her hands, 'I hope I'm feminine enough' The white smoke covered them and Lict took them back to the real world.

"Lord-Vierne!" Akagi just escaped the confusion and ran towards them, "Come with me, quickly!" He grabbed Vierne's hands and ran towards the library. "I'll just change you back," Galkin said and held their hands. He closed his eyes and they exchanged their souls back.

"I'll miss that body" Akagi was now Akagi again. He touched his chest, "It's hard."
"What did you do with me?!" Vierne was now Vierne again.
"Eh? Nothing much."
"...I'm sorry, Vierne," Galkin apologized realising the shift should have not been done.
"Whatever, I'll go take my class now."
"What class is it for you?"
"Music--Piano!" She ran towards her locker.

"Oh well," Akagi crossed his arms, "I'm proud of you, Galkin."
"Me? I did nothing."
"Yeah, I know."
"Where's Milady?" Lict reached the library.
"She's gone to take a class, "You have your next class with me. Come with me,"
Lict followed Akagi.

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