1 2 Death On Hold

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My classes as a demigod student have commenced. Lord Akagi has taken it upon himself to fill my mind of all that he knows. Sexual or not sexual. He said he'd teach me a bit before I begin my schooling. Fair enough, I need that knowledge.

We sat inside the library and he held a notebook in his hands. He began writing something inside it. Honestly, I was excited because I didn't learn magic every day. And you mortals will never learn it anyway! Sucks to be you!

"Firstly, know the difference between a demigod, a god, a gatekeeper, a star and a star spirit. There are many other magical beings but I'll keep today's lecture simple. So, a god is someone who rules a dimension. There are twelve dimensions. We live in a two-dimensional world. And each dimension has infinite parallel realities. God rules over all of them.

There are seven realms in total, each one of its kind. We are living in the human realm, so humans dominate this realm, there are realms where there are fairies, giants, mermaids. Demigods live in the human realm too, among humans, but they have the powers to travel across various realms."

"So I can travel across various realms? Is the blank space one of them?"
"No, blank space is just a plane. You need to cross 7 planes like that to reach another realm."
"Yes, it's a part of the astral world. It's like a world that acts as a channel gate where people from all dimensions can come and interact.

Then comes a gatekeeper. It's someone who guards the gates to heaven and hell, the realm gates and the interdimensional portals. If you want to travel across a realm or a dimension, you need their permission. They also pass the judgements related to punishments of gods or any other magical beings. So, gatekeepers are worshipped by the immortal realm. A gatekeeper in return provides them protection and spirit energy."

"What is this spirit energy?"
"Everything in this universe is made of energy that balances all the forces surrounding them—That energy is called spirit energy. An imbalance in that causes you to grow weak and hence you catch a disease. We magical beings have stronger spirit energy, so strong that we can overcome the forces of science around us."

I simply nodded and he continued drawing as he explained further.

"You must also know the difference between a star and a star spirit. Stars can use only 5% of their magic and so to keep their spirit energy intact, their body turns itself into the smallest form it can—That's an adaptation and that's why all stars look like kids. They have light bodies that can float and their energy is low enough to make them invisible to the human eye."
"Doesn't that make them sick?"

"No. Low energy among us is no big deal. It's just for humans to have a fixed temperature and spirit energy to stay healthy. If we have spirit energy lower than humans, they can't see us. That's how gods enter the world—By reducing their spirit energy so that humans can't see them. We can regulate our energy like cold-blooded animals can regulate their temperature."

So, this is what studying is? It's so nice! I bet everyone loves studying.

"Magic is of various kinds but today I'll just tell you about the magic that star spirits and demigods use. Demigods have a Sila. Stars have a Magixiya. Now listen carefully since the magic that stars use is a bit complicated; one star has one Magixiya. And one Magixiya has three Orfografiis—Orfografii pervyy, Orfografii vtoroy and Orfografii vtret'ikh. And one Orfografii will have three Vyzov forma—Vyzov forma Odin, Vyzov forma dva and Vyzov forma tri."

I take back what I said. Studying magic is cancer! I developed a brain tumour already!
"Could you repeat?" I requested.
"Which part did you not understand?"

I have developed instant hate towards him. I hate him because he is teaching me something which I might as well never use! But he is hot so I'll forgive him for giving my brain unregulated orgasms.

"Alright, now let's make your problem tough." No thanks, life has done that already by bringing Lict inside my life. You don't have to contribute. But he crossed his arms while I held the pen. I had an awkward grip since I hadn't held a pen for years plus I was left-handed. I was struggling to write but this man didn't seem to care.

"If a star has 3 Magixiya, how many Vyzov formas will he have?"
"It's none of my business."
"It's mathematics."
"Wait—Didn't you say a star had only one Magixiya?"

"There are twelve exceptions to that. They are the twelve elites—The stars that have hundreds of Magixiya based on one element."
"Thank god I have a normal, everyday star with me." I laughed nervously and he smirked. Something very unnecessary is going to happen, isn't it?

"Do you know any of the elites?"
"I've met one. And so have you." He was still grinning.
"Melissa is an elite?!"

Fuck me.

"Lict is an elite."

Fuck me twice.

"How do you know?!"
"Isn't it obvious? He shines golden. It's the colour of the hour of music." What the—I'm gonna spend the rest of my life just learning about magic. There's no one good thing I can adore about that curly head. Thanks for the extra work, mister elite. I hope you die a virgin!

"Melissa is a sinister star." Lord Akagi told me.
"What is that?"
"Elites were made by boons and gods, sinisters were made by demons and odds."
"Is someone talking about me?" Melissa peeped inside.

"Some stars were made to be a pain in the ass." Lord Akagi passed me the notes, "This is all for today. Learn all this by tomorrow. I'll take a small test and then we'll move ahead."

Lict got us some sandwiches. I had used up all my energy in constantly refreshing my brain so I was very hungry.
"Lict, you can use two kinds of magic?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Four of 'em" He replied as he pointed out four fingers.

"As far as I remember, you could use only three?" Melissa said.
"No, it's four."
"Maybe I don't remember well."
"Which magic spells call you to use?" I asked.
"Voditel; I make things using various elements, Miroar; which is a screen to my thoughts and Vivana Musica."

"But that makes it only three spells."
"I forgot the fourth spell."

That's absurd. So, stars can forget their own spells? Man, I can never be the stupid one with Lict around. I turned towards Lord Akagi with a grin on my face. But I noticed, he wasn't enjoying this. He looked at Lict. He looked serious. Then, I stared at Lict and he hid his gaze. What is going on? I guess there are many things that these people know and I don't. I need to catch up. I looked at the notes Lord Akagi gave me and realised how little time I had with me. The school was going to start soon.

An institution I had never attended was waiting for me. And I couldn't afford to be left behind. Because well, I'm not just any Tom, Dick or Harry kind of demigod—I'm nobility! Plus, I have an elite with me so I'll prove that I deserve him more than anyone else. Or death is always an option but let me put it aside for a while.

Just for a while.

-To be continued

-To be continued

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Vierne Obolensky
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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