0 5 That Boy In Black

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I was losing it, how could this happen? Maybe I did something wrong, maybe I guessed it wrong, because, no matter how you look at it, it's crazy to think that things like this would work. How can stabbing someone be the solution to anything? It's just not worth the jail time!

This actually hurts though. The past keeps coming back, and it kills me every time it strikes my heart. But that's it! No more living in the past anymore. I will not let this become gloomy! So, I took a deep breath and stood up firmly. I looked into his eyes as his blood rolled down my cheeks, and I roared, "Lict! Protect me! Protect me as you promised me you would!"

With just these words, I saw a bright light coming from within him. Lict was shining—His blue eyes shone like a beautiful blue sapphire and his skin was golden like a bright star. He looked magnificent. I always believed music was something dark and mysterious but I was wrong. It's golden. I saw his feet were slowly covered by a pair of beautiful purplish-blue boots. All his wounds healed up so fast as if they had never even existed. I was hypnotised because I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. There were no feelings between us whatsoever but he still looked so charming! Something so beautiful and pure must be protected.

Then, a thin, red string came out of his wound and curled around my wrist, just like what happened with that other duo, that high school girl and boy.

"Boots? Really? Which kind of demigod gifts boots to their star spirit as a fighting weapon? This is so hilarious I can die laughing." The man snarked. Was I the one who gave him that 'gift' or whatever? Man, now I was angry at myself. Why boots? What possibly could a pair of boots do except making him look gayer?

I have this feeling that I've managed to offend a large section of society.

"I'll finish you in no time, weakling!" She shouted. Then, she ran towards Lict with one of her swords left behind. She planned on fighting him with just one weapon.

"Dodge it, Lict! She'll cut you into two!" I warned him. I was finally taking some interest in this fight. She swayed up her sword—Ready to slay him.

"You stink." Oh my God, did Lict really say that? I was astounded! Okay, he just got much more interesting. He did have remarkable balls. He jumped about a metre high over the ground, dodged her attack and landed on her sword, causing it to shatter completely into pieces. She was shocked because she was still confused about what had happened. Her eyes were wide open, perhaps like her legs just last night. Then, she threw a tantrum.

She was crying and shouting while trying to join the pieces of her broken sword back. "Milord! Help me I don't want to go back!"

"Hey, drop the sword, you'll hurt yourself!" I shouted at her. To be honest, I didn't care. But, it's nice to be nice sometimes. Sometimes. I noticed that the red thread connecting both of them was already fading. Her body turned to dust and she just faded away. I believed what I saw. I was sure I was high—I just didn't know the degree to which I was high. Her demigod started giving off smoke from his body. While I was engulfed in that smoke, I could hear people shouting. Perhaps, those were his memories.

Lict picked me up on his shoulders and stretched his arm. Again, that huge golden square came towards us as it grew in size and passed through like a door. In the blink of an eye, we were back inside the market, from where we were dragged into this. So, Lict had the ability to bring us back here or to take us to the blank space whenever he wanted? Well, he did say that star spirits could control the blank space, so maybe that was it. I didn't ask him but I think that he felt like I should know, so he told me,

"They forget,"

"What?" What is he talking about?

"The demigods. They forget about everything if they lose in a battle. It's like a brainwash, Milady. Everything related to them ever being a demigod or having a star spirit. They even lose their Sila and live a normal life after that." Then, he turned towards me "You lose a battle if you damage the gift given by your master, mine is my shoes."

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