6 9 The Dead Goddess

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News of Lict going berserk reached the heaven and gossips among the gods begun. An official sitting of gods was assembled wherein they discussed what to do with him since he was an elite star. Elite stars were closest to gods and humans. They connected them together. So, the Queen of paradise, Goddess Calanthe herself had called for everyone.

Goddess Ivsana proposed that his seal were to be mended just like before so that he could survive another thousand years. 

"But why?" Goddess Asterelli, the goddess of stars and planets, revolted, "He killed so many people, mortals and gods—Even raped a human child."
"He was asked to do so by his gatekeeper—You yourself made the rules that a star spirit can't defy their master,"

"Then, did his gatekeeper asked him to kill him?"
"He had to do that because Wujin was possessed,"
"He could have called for an exorcist,"
"He panicked—"
"You have an excuse against everything. Your highness, I say we kill him before he does any more damage,"

"No! He is an elite star—Everyone needs him. You can't kill music!"
"And let him kill us instead? He is possessed,"
"In that case, we should help him get free from that demon," Narcissus, the goddess of souls and spirit energy suggested.

"So that that demon attacks us next?"  Asterelli said, "Your highness, they both are gone insane. Why should gods help a criminal? Won't this motivate other stars to commit crimes? We can't be biased,"

"Asterelli is right. We cannot help a criminal. But we won't kill an elite star—Either ways he'll die if he isn't seen to. I say no God will interfere with him and let him be."
"But he's killing other demigods—"
"It's a parade, Ivsana. Demigods and stars dying are nothing new. I'm afraid we can't help them."

"But your highness, what if he dies? Can you live without music? Thousands of years ago, Goddess Yolanda gifted him to heaven. He's the final memory we have of her—Once he is gone, it's over. We have lost our goddess of music, all we are left with is a star she left. Please don't let him die too."

"Yolanda was a characterless woman having affair with a mortal man while being married to a god, no wonder she died of a curse. Don't even say her name in this holy court of gods." Asterelli said.

"She did what she thought was right, Asterelli—You have no right to judge the personal life of a god on a higher position than yours and I bet she was better than you!" Ivsana said.
"I despise humans," Asterelli said,
"What do you not despise, Asterelli?" Poseidon asked.

"I am Asterelli—Goddess of stars and planets, and I only care about them."
"But you are letting a star die," Narcissus said.
"Because he's corrupted. He should've died two thousand years ago!"

"Can we just let the past be past?"
"Don't try to hide what you did in the past, Ivsana. You were last seen with Yolanda—Did you kill her?"
Ivsana slapped her hands on the table, "Just because I'm listening doesn't mean I'll listen to anything you say,"

"Calm down," The queen said, "My decision is final and unchanging. Nobody will help a criminal--No matter what his circumstances were or how good he is now, the hour of Music committed sins and now he's just paying for them like everyone else does. That is all. The meeting ends here."

Everyone left the halls but Ivsana ran towards the queen, "Your highness," Calanthe turned towards her, "Yes, Ivsana,"
"Let's say music dies, what then?" Ivsana asked and Calanthe smiled,

"It won't."
"How can you be so sure, your highness?"
"You will be sure too once you see his demigod,"

Calanthe left Ivsana standing in confusion, "His demigod?"
She walked down to the human world and saw Vierne fighting Akagi with her sword, 'It's a girl.'

They couldn't see Ivsana nor feel her. She walked towards them and looked closer at Vierne's face, "She looks just like Yolanda. Is this Vierne?" She touched Vierne's face. She remembered her diseased friend in her.

"Fire is blue when it's the hottest and burns everything completely. It turns red when it grows weak and hesitant. Now tell me who should be intimidated?" Vierne said as her eyes glowed blue.

Ivsana's eyes widened, "This is definitely Yolanda's daughter, Vierne. I thought Vierne died?" Vierne defeated Akagi and stood above him. Ivsana looked into her eyes and smiled, "She's got her father's eyes,"

But then, her smile filled with worry,
"Aren't we putting a little too much burden on such young and petite shoulders? I'm afraid they'd break before drawing out their wings."

"The brave don't need wings," Narcissus stood behind Ivsana, "Their hearts are bold enough to bring the sky down for them."
"Narcissus, I thought they killed Vierne with Yolanda."

"I suppose they didn't succeed and Vierne grew in shadows."
"She looks just like Yolanda and Avgustin,"
Narcissus looked at Evgeni.
"What is it?"

"Nothing just... Nothing, let's go."

Meanwhile, Aleksei walked through the forest beside the mansion. It was dark and quiet. All he could hear were the voices of dried leaves as he walked over them. Maks walked behind him with a torch in his hands.

He looked at the thuja (arborvitae)  trees and the wooden tigers kept beside them, "Seems like someone died here," He said. Wooden tigers and thuja trees were usually planted near graveyards to guard the dead against demons in ancient times. They were signs of the fangxiangshi.

They looked at the buried and the broken wall of the mansion, from which the lake emerged out. He felt a heavy aura as he moved towards the mansion. It was foggy and dark.

He realised that the heavy aura wasn't because of some demon but because that place was an epicentre of high spirit energy. It could mean only one thing.

"Milord?" Maks said.
"Let's pay a visit to that garden again, shall we? Get a shovel."
He went inside the mansion and met all of them. They welcomed him and asked him for some tea.

"No thanks. I'm here for business," Aleksei said.
"Business?" Vierne looked at him.
"Vierne, I'm afraid to tell you but I guess someone was murdered in that garden about ten years ago."

"What?" Vierne said.
"I've seen momentos of a graveyard near the broken walls of the mansion. Everything points towards one thing—A burial of a corpse,"

Vierne had no words.
"So, now?" Akagi looked at Aleksei.
"I just wanted to ask for permission if I could do some digging in the garden. I'm expecting something"

Everyone looked at Vierne. She got up, "Please go ahead."

Aleksei walked inside the garden and stopped at one point where the energy he felt was maximum, "Here,"
Lobelia picked up the floor tile and kept it aside. Maks started digging. He continued digging and the energy they felt seemed to increase. Everyone felt it except Vierne and Evgeni.

They pressed their temples as it began to hurt. Finally, Maks struck something hard. He looked at Aleksei.
Aleksei jumped into the pit and removed the soil with his hands. They were shocked by what they saw.
It was a skeleton with a cracked skull.

-To be continued

Lict The Hour of Music Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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Lict The Hour of Music
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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