6 1 You Are Human

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Lict, Vierne, Melissa and Mrs Winston stood before Akagi, "It's not just me. All those demigods that don't have parents are kept inside that dungeon without food and water for years. We are only used as weapons or practice materials for all the rich demigod kids there," He told them, "Our skin starts peeling, most of us develop psoriasis because of lack of sunlight, we lose our vision slowly and perish within those cells for eternity."

"Is that woman even human?" Vierne asked.
"I don't know," Akagi said, "But those demigods have suffered for so many years. Their star spirits are never able to reach them. They have lost all hope of freedom,"
"We have to help them," Vierne said.
"Akagi dear," Mrs Winston said, "Bring them here. I will arrange for proper shelter and schooling for them." He nodded.

Vierne had just reached back to her mansion, and they were already leaving for another journey to Lvans Ablution School of Supernatural, in Khimki, Moscow City. But this time it wasn't going to be a vacation, rather, it was a one day trip of Akagi meeting up with the principal while Vierne would free all the children in the dungeon and take them out of the school with her. Evgeni had reached Khimki by then with Lobelia and was on his way to the school.

The school was surrounded by a huge forest which was used as a battleground for the students during practice parades. It was owned by the school along with the school building. The area covered by Lab was much greater than that covered by Escola.

"We'll split here," Akagi told Vierne as they stood outside the forest. You go from another site, you'll see a door that'll open into a flight of stairs. That'll lead you to the dungeons, break open the bars and lead the kids outside the school. I'll be there by then"

"Okay," Vierne and Lict ran in the opposite direction, towards the backside of the school while Akagi and Melissa walked inside the forest.
"That was well planned," Akagi stopped and looked ahead. It was Evgeni and Lobelia. "Well, that didn't go as fucking planned," Akagi took out his gun and shot Melissa.

Vierne turned back, "Did I hear a gunshot?"
"We need to keep running," Lict ran ahead of her and they soon reached the door. He turned the doorknob, "Dammit, it's locked" He said.
"Move aside," Vierne removed her ring. She touched the door with her right hand and it broke apart. They walked inside the stinking dungeons. It was dark and soggy, stinking of urine. The walls were covered with soot and voices of water dripping down into the drains could be heard. Vierne felt like throwing up.

"How can anyone live here?" Lict covered his nose with a handkerchief.

Vierne walked towards a cell and looked inside. Someone lay on the floor. He didn't seem to care that someone was finally there to help him. She touched the bars and they broke down. She walked towards him and looked down at him, "I'm here to help you, let's get out of here." He moved a bit and looked up. His eyes were red and swollen. His hands had wounds and bruises and his hair was unruly.

Lict looked at him from outside the cell. It was a kid, maybe thirteen or fourteen years old. He moved away from her, "I won't hurt you."
As he moved away, he left blood marks on the dirty floor. Vierne was shocked, he seemed to be severely wounded.

"Oh God, you're losing so much blood,"
"He's bleeding for the past one week," She turned back and looked at a boy sitting in a cell opposite to his, "You've finally come for us? I have been waiting for so long—Twelve years now."

Vierne turned back at the boy and tried to pick him up into her arms, he scratched her and moved away. He was stinking so bad she wanted to throw up, "He doesn't trust you,"
Vierne sat on her haunches, "Hey, we are like you too. I am a demigod. And that is my star spirit. We are here to save you."

"It's too late," He said and Vierne looked at him, "It's hurting a lot and the bleeding just doesn't stop," He began crying and raised his shirt and Vierne looked at the wound on his stomach, "They took away my liver. And now I'll never be able to eat again. I'm going to die," Vierne hugged him and pressed his head, "You'll be okay. We are demigods, we can heal our bodies and regenerate ourselves. Just be strong."

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