2 0 A Terrible Place To Be In

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I had expectations of having a nice practical teacher. But I have now realised that I am cursed and I bring bad luck wherever I go. Meet my practical magic teacher, Melissa. It was just me, Slavik and Gavril. And we were all just staring at her ass while she laid down the mats. Maybe it's hormones? Finally, she got up and started quacking.

"This will be our first and the most important class where I'll teach you how to get hold of your powers. It is a basic class so it might be a bit boring but please bear with Melissa!" She squealed. Of course, how can she stay normal for more than a minute? We sat on the mattress. She asked us to focus on our breath.

"Yin and Yang were born from chaos when the universe was first created and they are believed to exist in harmony at the centre of the Universe," She told us while we still had our eyes closed, "Yin is the negative energy, cold, dark and feminine while Yang is positive, hot, light and masculine. The point where they meet forms the universe we know and various worlds and realms. Just imagine them to be two blankets covering the universe. They are expanding further as we talk and so the universe is constantly growing and expanding in size. Do you know how a demigod purifies his or her environment? They breathe in the yin and give out the yang.

This is easier for male demigods since their spirit energy is masculine. A female demigod isn't considered holy because she would take in the yang and give out her yin. So, they can't really perform purification. And that is the reason why there aren't any female demigods."

Is this towards me? Well, sorry for having a vagina, ma'am. What should I do now? Because dicks just don't grow at any point of your life. I was frustrated after class. And the irony is that it was a medication class. So, the opposite was supposed to happen. What should I say? Thanks, Melissa.

It was lunch time already and I was so hungry I could eat a horse. Lict must be waiting for me in the cafeteria.
"Lict, let's eat together" Dasha was waiting for Lict near the stairs since normal students weren't allowed to go to the third floor. He reached the second floor and Dasha asked him for lunch. She went to the cafeteria and got a table. Dasha's best friend, Debora, and her boyfriend, Grigory, sat at the same table.

They invited me too, well her face was telling me to fuck off in any way it could. Besides, humans made me anxious so it was better if I stayed away from them, "You go, I want to eat alone."
"But Milady—"
"Go," I commanded and Lict left. I took my plate to an empty table and began eating. I was wondering about what Melissa told in that class. If I can't perform the easiest thing a demigod can, then am I even a demigod? I never thought that might be the reason why females can't be demigods. This is so absurd. And the worst part, I can't fix it.

If I can't be a proper demigod as a woman, then God, why did you make me a woman? Just to face this embarrassment of never being good enough? Why did you give me a handicap I can't fix? Lict is so lucky. He is respected and loved since he's music. But me—I can't even fulfil the duties of a demigod. Wait—Why am I sulking? Whether I do my duties or not—I'm still a noble! Yes Vierne, don't lose your respect. Lict is your star spirit, there's no need to be jealous of your star spirit.

I grinned as I ate my food.
"Do people usually smile while eating alone?" I heard and looked up. It was Slavik. Oh no, I'm feeling like I'm going to get a headache soon.
"Vierne, you're being creepy," Belka said. Well sorry for having a happier life than yours!
"Aye Galkin! Sit with us!" Slavik shouted at Galkin, who stood right behind him.

So, my empty table was soon filled and my peace had vanished like children at orphanages. They talked so much and of course, I decided to join them in intervals. Conversations to me are like jumping on a trampoline, going so high at one point that the whole world seems beneath you and then falling back down into the world. But it was not scary like conversations with humans. It was heartwarming. I don't know what this feeling is but I like it. I like talking to other demigods.

"Hey, do you guys feel strange when you talk to mortals?" I asked. They all shook their heads,
"I feel superior," Galkin said. I love this man. I thought I'd feel the same but I don't know why it doesn't feel right. And why only me? Why is it not the case with other demigods?

In the evening, I sat in the dining room with Lord Akagi and Melissa. Lict served the food and I ate a lot like always. I know a lady should eat less but with Lict's cooking, that rule is just impossible to follow!
"So, how is school?" Lord Akagi asked. Should I ask him? Wait but a demigod being afraid of mortals sounds so vile that it hurts my pride! Nevermind, I will figure it out on my own.

"It's bearable," I said.
"I'm glad Milady is interacting with more people." Lict smiled.
I'm not!
"I made a nice human friend too! Her name is Dasha!" He continued, "Dasha is pretty but not as much as Milady."
"Lict certainly likes humans," Melissa laughed.

No Melissa child, he just wants to destroy that pussy, that's all.

"And she's smart too, she scored a straight A in all her subjects—"
"Their subjects are easier than yours," Lord Akagi interrupted him. Thank you for shutting him up, Lord Akagi. "Also, Vierne, I want you to score the highest in the class," He said, "B+ means you've failed."

"Isn't an F a fail?" Lict asked.
"Not for Asians!" Melissa said.
"He is Asian?"

"Leaving that aside, Milady you know it was awesome today!" Lict only talked about Dasha and her friends as we ate dinner. I was starting to feel something again. It was sadness covered with anger. Because I felt I was being replaced and I didn't want that to happen. I tried to change the topic to his cooking, but he brought her up again.

"Dasha can cook really well too—"
"Lict," I finally decided to speak what was inside my head, "I was here before her."
Finally, he became quiet. I didn't feel like eating anymore. I got up and went to my room. I could hear Lict's footsteps following me so I hastened and ran into my room. He ran after me while calling out for me. I was about to close the door when he held it.

"Why are you here? Go to that Dasha you like so much." What was I saying? "You like her, right? Then, you might as well go home with her! Don't come here!" He just listened with his head down. I turned my back towards him, "You think I'll beg for you to stay—I won't. I have never begged to anyone in my life and I never will. I have learnt to let people go since a very young age. I don't need you."

"But the one that I need is you."
"I don't feel needed, Lict. Not from you at least."

Your heart is a terrible place to be in, Lict. And a painful one too.

-To be continued

Akagi Scheczalier Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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Akagi Scheczalier
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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