Part - 1

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Hey guys 🙋
I'm here with the first part. Hope u'll like it.


Maheshwari Industries:

Employees are seen chatting, laughing and enjoying. Just then a peon comes there running.

Peon: Sir has come with his brothers.

That's it. Hearing it, everyone starts panicking. They goes to their respective desks and starts working. It looks like they are working from hours. There is pin drop silence now.

Just then a man enters in a formal suit, accompanied by a boy besides him and the clock shows 9:30am. And two other boys are at their back looking here and their like they have came to a zoo.

The man is none other than Laksh Maheshwari, the CEO/owner of Maheshwari groups of industries. He's the top businessman of Kolkata and is known all over India for achieving shining success at such a young age. He's in this field from the age at which the boys lives carefree. They roams around with their girlfriends and don't care about anything. But he is not from those boys.

Besides him is Sanskar and Arjun and Ryan are at their back.

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