Part - 49

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Hello all my dear friends 🙋
Thank you so very much for all ur love to the story🤗.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


The sisters were looking at each other emotionally. Their eyes were continuously flowing with tears.

Swara: jiju if you don't mind then we want to present something for our di.

Laksh nods.

Laksh: why would I mind?

The sisters goes from there.

Laksh looks at Ragini who was sniffing continuously. He takes out his handkerchief and gives it to her.

Ragini looks at him with teary eyes and takes the handkerchief.

The boys were feeling bad for the sisters.

Suddenly the lights went off and a big screen is seen on which a video starts playing.

It shows the pictures of four of the sisters from their childhood to till now. Pictures with their parents, pictures of their school life, college life, each and every moment spent together by them.

Looking at the screen Ragini totally breaks down and stumbles a little.

Boys: bhabhi...

Laksh holds her to support.

Ragini was trying hard to control her emotions but was unsuccessful. Laksh was rubbing her shoulders to calm her.

The video ends and the lights turns on. Three of the sisters comes in the centre holding mikes in their hands.

Misha: you were always there for us whenever we needed.

Naina: you always supported us, protected us, took care of us.

Swara: you are our inspiration, our life, our heartbeat, our parents, our everything.


Ragini looks at them emotionally.

They goes towards Raglak. They holds Ragini's hand and keeps it in Laksh's hand.

Naina: she's the most precious treasure we are having.

Misha: and we are giving her to you.

Swara: take care of her and keep her happy always.

Misha (chuckling): we know she's a bit irritating sometimes but she's the purest soul from her heart.

Naina: please forgive her if she do any mistakes.

Swara: we're trusting you jiju. Hope you'll never break our trust.

Laksh smiles a little.

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