Part - 11

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Hello everyone 🙋
Thanks for ur votes n beautiful comments.
Next part is here.
I hope u'll like it. Fingers crossed.


In the car:

Ryan: ha, we had a bet when you were fighting with those goons.

Ragini: that who will beat how many goons? I bet that Mr Maheshwari will beat more than 9 goons while Ryan bet that Arjun and Sanskar together will beat more than 9.

Ryan: yes...

Ragini: as Mr Maheshwari has beaten 10 goons out of 18 I won the bet.

She starts clapping.

While the other three brothers gives "unbelievable" looks to Ragini and Ryan.

Sanskar: and whose idea was that?

Ryan was about to tell but was interrupted by Laksh.

Laksh : there is no need to ask my bro. This fabulous idea must be her's only. Only she has the mind to think of that level.

All the brothers laughs obviously except Laksh while Ragini makes faces.

Arjun: bhai how you reached there this much fast? I mean you reached about just 10 minutes after us.

Laksh was about to tell but...

Ragini: he was thinking the car as an aeroplane and himself as a pilot.

Trio laughs along with Ragini while Laksh gives her a look like👇

Trio laughs along with Ragini while Laksh gives her a look like👇

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And she stops laughing.

Sanskar: and how you got to know about our location?

Laksh: through the trackers in your phones.

Trio: what?

Ryan: our phones have trackers? Bhayu, you did that?

Laksh nods.

Arjun (making faces): to spy on us? Bhai I didn't expect this from you. I thought you trust us.

He says dramatically.

Laksh rolls his eyes.

Ragini: haww... Aesa koi karta hai kya? Bhaiyo ki jasoosi.

Laksh turns to look at her.

Laksh: main karta hu. (Yes, I do.) Now say, what you'll do.

Ragini makes faces.

Arjun: bhai, you broke my little heart.

Laksh: stop your drama. I did that for any emergency case like today's.

All nods in understanding.

Laksh holds his head while driving.

Ragini notices it.

Ragini (worried): Mr Maheshwari, is it paining?

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