Part - 69

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Hello all my dear readers 🙋.
Surprise 🎊
You all must have not expected an update even I myself haven't expected it 😝.
Don't know whether you guys missed me and the story or not but I missed you all and writing very much and this part is the result of that only 😂.
I don't know how I managed to write it that too when my sessionals are going on 😳. I'm GREAT 😂😂😂.

Guys, many times I need to republish the old parts due to some wattpad issues. Please don't mind and ignore if you have already read them🙃.

Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


More than fifteen minutes passed and Laksh was still crying like a child.

When Ragini realised that he's not going to stop she brought him out of the hug. His eyes were red due to non stop crying.

Ragini: shh... enough Laksh. Please calm down.

Laksh was looking at the floor.

Ragini: Laksh, look at me.

She holds his chin and makes him look up at her. She wipes his tears.

Laksh (choking): I'm not a good son?

He asks like an innocent kid.

Ragini shakes her head in between her tears.

"You are the best son and the best brother" they heard a voice from the door.

Trio brothers enters inside.

Sanskar: wherever ma and papa may be today they must be proud of you bhai. You've proved that you're the best son of the world.

Ryan and Arjun: and the best brother tooo.

They hugs him crying.

Arjun: we know bhai that you never cried in front of us because you wanted to look strong for us but we're happy that today you took out all your emotions.

Sanskar: there's no need for you to keep anything in your heart bhai. You can share everything with us.

Laksh tightens his grip on them.

Ragini (wiping her tears): now, enough of crying. Wipe your tears everyone.

The brothers breaks their hug and wipes their tears.

Laksh (wiping his tears): huh, Laksh Maheshwari can't cry.

Everyone chuckles.

Laksh: it's late now. You three go and sleep.

Ryan: bhayu, you fine na?

Laksh (smiling): I'm fine my cutipie.

Ryan (pouting): bhayu, you too started calling me cutipie like Aru bhai. This is not fair.

Everyone chuckles.

Laksh: aww, sorry.

He holds his ears.

Ragini was admiring him smiling.

Ryan: its ok.

Trio leaves for their respective rooms wishing good night to Raglak.

Ragini sits besides Laksh.

Laksh: I'm sorry.

Ragini looks at him confused.

Laksh: uhm, for crying like that.

Ragini shakes her head in no.

Ragini: it's not bad to take out your emotions Laksh. Infact sharing our pain lightens our heart. You can share your pain and worries with me. I'm your wife and I have that right. Right?

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