Part - 54

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Hello everyone 🙋
Ty so much for all ur love.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.



Arjun and Ryan were sitting in the hall when Ragini comes back from her office.

Ryan: hey bhabhi, how was the day?

Ragini (smiling): it was good.

Arjun: bhabhi, you came early.

Ragini: because now I'm not single anymore. I have to take care of everything. There I was having my sisters to take care of the house. But here I have to take care of everything alone.

Ryan and Arjun smiles at her.

She is taking responsibility of the house from the starting day. Only a woman can do multitasking. And it's proved because Ragini is taking care of every household chores, she don't do every work herself except making the food but keeps eyes on the servants, she is handling her office, she's taking care of every need of her sisters even when she's living away from them, she's taking care of her brother in laws too and the most important thing she's handling LAKSH😂. It's just the starting much more to come.

Arjun: why are you saying that you're alone? We're here na to help you.

Ryan too nods. Ragini smiles at them.

Ragini: that's so sweet of you. I'll be back after freshening up.

She leaves for her room.


Late evening:

Ragini comes downstairs and finds trio brothers chitchatting in the hall.

Ragini: Sanky, your bhai didn't come?

Sanskar: bhabhi, bhai must be coming.

Ragini nods and leaves to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Now it was night.

All were seated in the hall.

Ragini: haw, you guys told everything to my sisters.

Arjun and Ryan: yaaahhh...

Arjun: and their reaction was worth watching.

He says laughing. Ragini pouts.

Trio: aww...

Ryan and Arjun: sorry...

Ragini smiles. She was looking at the clock every minute.

Ragini: why he didn't come till now? It's 8!!

Sanskar: he must be stuck in traffic. Don't worry he'll come.

Ragini nods to him but her heart was having a fear.

Ragini: you guys have your dinner.

Ryan: we'll eat with bhayu.

Ragini: I think he will be late. You guys eat otherwise it'll become cold.

Thr brothers nods halfheartedly.

Arjun: bhabhi, you too sit.

Ragini: no, I'll eat with your bhai. There should be someone to accompany him.

The brothers nods to her. They had their dinner and everyone dispersed to their respective rooms.


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