Part - 63

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Hello everyone 🙋.
Thanks a lot for showering your love on the story.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


Four days passed with some improvement in Laksh's health but he was still unconscious. All were happy with it. They were getting their hope back. But they were not allowed to see him after that day.

All were sitting in front of the ICU when Ryan's phone rings.

Ryan: hello, ya I know but I haven't studied anything for it. Hmm.... I don't know if I'll be able to give the exam or not? Ya, thank you.

He looks at the others after disconnecting the call.

Ragini: why you will not give your exams?

Ryan: bhayu...

Ragini: if your bhayu was awake then he would have let you do anything like this?

She asks with a raised eyebrow.

Ryan shakes his head. Ragini takes a deep breath.

Ragini: Nainu, Mushu, Rey and Aru go to MM and start studying for your exam. It's tommorow na?

All four nods.

Arjun: but bhabhi we don't want to leave bhai.

Sanskar: bhabhi is saying right. You all go to the house and study.

Misha: but...

Ragini sighs.

Ragini: I know it's not easy for you to leave him and study. But I also know if you'll stay here then you'll think about him only instead of studying. Now, like good children go to MM and study well for your exam. When Mr Akdu will get up and got to know that you skipped your exams then he'll kill me and I'll kill you four.

All chukles a little.

Naina: but di...

Ragini: it's an order. Go now.

All four nods feeling defeated in front of her. They looks towards the ICU one last time and leaves from there unwillingly.



All four enters after picking the needed things of the girls from GM.

Ryan runs to Laksh's room followed by trio.


Raglak's room:

Ryan was looking at each and everything of his bhayu with glassy eyes. He was touching everything trying to feel his presence.

Arjun hugs him and kisses his forehead.

Arjun: he'll be fine and will be back here soon.

Both of them emotionally remembers when Laksh said "take care" before leaving the house last time.

Ryan: Aru bhai, it's been six days he didn't scold you.

Arjun nods.

Arjun: I'm missing his scoldings badly.

Naisha were looking at them smiling in between their tears.

Misha: guys, let's start studying now. If we failed then they both husband wife will kill us.

She says making faces to divert everyone's mind.

All laughs a little.

All three: ya...

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