Part - 67

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Hello everyone 🙋.
Ty so much for reading the story.
Last part got very low response. You guys didn't liked Ragini's confession😓?
Next part is here.
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Enjoy reading.


Laksh was not getting any sleep. So, he sits on the bed. He looks at Ragini who was sleeping peacefully right next to him.

Laksh (in mind): life is so funny. Isn't it? It gives you many relations and you come across many people. Some stays with you forever and some leaves you in between. Some stays with you only for their own benefits but some stays with you for no reasons. They are with you just because they want to be with you. And my wife is one of them who is with me without wanting anything from me. She's loving me without expecting anything from me. From the time I have started understanding the world I have come across many people who just want themselves and their profits. I stopped trusting people after meeting so many backstabbers in my entire business journey. But now I have started trusting again like I trust you. There are many who want to kill me because of the one reason or the other but you are the one who's ready to die for me. Thank you for coming into my life and loving me unconditionally.

He lightly ruffles her hair.

Ragini smiles in her sleep. Laksh too smiles at this.

Laksh: she's cute.

He again lays down and Ragini encircles her hand around his waist.

Laksh chuckles and soon falls asleep.


Next day-

Raglak's room:

Ragini: Laksh, I kept your clothes in the bathroom. Come I'll drop you there.

Laksh nods. Ragini helps him in getting up and takes him towards the washroom.

Laksh: I'll go myself now. Or you want to accompany me inside also?

He asks with a raised eyebrow.

Ragini: I can if you don't have any problem.

She says naughtily.

Laksh looks at her horribly. Ragini giggles. Laksh goes in and locks the door.

Ragini was checking on his medicines when Ryan comes in.

Ryan: good morning bhabhi.

Ragini: good morning.

Ryan: bhabhi, where's bhayu?

Ragini: he's bathing. Do you want to say anything to him?

Ryan: no, just wanted to know how he's now.

Ragini smiles at him.

Ragini: he's fine. You don't worry and focus on your studies.

Ryan nods and leaves from there.

After a few minutes Sanskar enters.

Sanskar: good morning bhabhi, where's bhai?

Ragini: in the washroom. You also wanted to know if he's feeling fine now or not? Isn't it?

Sanskar nods.

Sanskar: how do you know?

Ragini: I just know. By the way he's much better now. Don't worry.

Sanskar nods and leaves.

Laksh opens the door of the washroom.

Ragini looks in his direction and widens her eyes seeing him shirtless. She was staring him without blinking her eyes. She was feeling crores of butterflies in her stomach seeing his well built body for the first time.

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