Part - 53

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Hello everyone 🙋
Thanks for all ur love to the story.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


Next morning:

Raglak room-

Both are sleeping hugging each other, oh sorry only Ragini was hugging him😝.

The clock strikes 5:30 and alarm starts ringing.

Laksh opens his eyes at the first ring only. He was feeling something heavy upon him.

Laksh (thinks): what's this?

He looks down and finds Ragini sleeping by keeping her head on his chest. Laksh was shocked by this.

Laksh (in mind): she was sleeping at that side and I kept the cushions in between us then how she came here? Not only that she's hugging me like a scared kid. What's going on?

He was feeling some itchiness on his neck and arms. He was trying to get free from her hold.

In this process Ragini's sleep get's disturbed. She opens her eyes slowly and cutely. Her eyes met his. Then only the reality strikes her that she was sleeping hugging him and he caught her.

Laksh looks at her with questioning eyes. Ragini shows him all her teeth in return.

Laksh: what's this? Why were you sleeping hugging me?

Ragini: wo actually I mm... yaa... I have a habit of moving in sleep so I moved here in sleep. And haa I always sleep hugging my teddy or any of my sisters and in sleep I hugged you. I was sleeping you can't blame me.

She says innocently.

Laksh gave her "really" look. Ragini nods.

Laksh (in mind): thank god she only move in sleep and hugs the person besides her but not kick them.

Ragini was still hugging him.

Laksh: will you?

Ragini nods and frees him from her hold.

Laksh get's up. He was rubbing the back of his neck and arms making an irritated face. Ragini was looking at him confused.

Ragini: what happened?

Laksh: don't know? It's itching.

Ragini moves towards him walking on her knees. She checks his arms and neck. It was all red and there were rashes too.

Ragini: oh my god!! How this happened?

Laksh looks at her and his eyes fell on her chuda.

Laksh: I think it happened because of this.

He points to her chuda. Ragini looks at it.

Ragini: ohh...

Laksh: remove it today.

Ragini: no, I can't remove it.

Laksh (irritated): why?

Ragini: the ritual is to wear it for forty days.

Laksh looks at her with wide eyes.

Laksh: forty days!!

Ragini nods.

Laksh: but there's no need to do it.

Ragini: there is the need. It's for the husband's healthy and long life and I'll wear it for forty days that's it.

Laksh was now having no words to argue with her more as she finalized her decision. He leaves for the washroom.

Just then Ragini's eyes fell on the clock. Her eyes literally pops out seeing the time.

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