Part - 4

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Girls reached their home and were relaxing in Ragini's room.

Naina: di finally you overcame your fear of horror movies.

Ragini gives her a confused look.

Ragini: what do you mean?

Naina: throughout the movie you were not scared, that's why you didn't hold my hand, not even once. Otherwise whenever we go to watch any horror movie you always clutch one of our's hand this much tightly that it starts bleeding due to your nails.

Trio laughs at this. But Ragini was lost somewhere else.

Misha: I'm feeling sleepy. Good night didus.

She leaves.

Swara: I'm also going.

Naina: me too.

Naina and Swara: good night di.

But no response from Ragini. Swara shakes her.

Swara: di where are you lost?

Ragini: ha nothing. Good night.

They both left Ragini's room and Ragini closes the door .

Ragini: who was that???



All enters the house and Laksh was locking the door when Ryan noticed blood, coming from his hand.

Ryan (panicks and holds his hand): bhayu how this happened? Your hand is bleeding.

Both Arjun and Sanskar also notices it and get's worried.

Sanskar: bhai when it happened? Why didn't you tell us?

Laksh: relax guys. It's just a small wound.

Arjun: small wound, seriously? It's bleeding, come here.

They takes him towards the sofa and makes him sit.

Sanskar brings first aid box and Arjun does his dressing.

Ryan: bhayu, you didn't tell how it happened?

Laksh: it happened because of a scared kitten in the movie hall.

All gives him confused looks.

Laksh: leave that. You guys go and sleep it's quite late. I'm absolutely fine now.

Trio nods. They wishes good night to him and leaves for their respective rooms. Laksh also leaves to his room, freshen ups and goes to his room's balcony.

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