Part - 16

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Hey guys🙋
Next part is here. I was not planning to update today but many of you wanted me to update early. So, on ur wish I updated today.
Hope u'll like it.



Scene begins in Laksh's room.

Laksh is seen sitting on the couch when his brothers enters.

Laksh: what was that?

He asks with a raised eyebrow.

Sanskar (stammering): we just wanted to know when you are going to get married?

Laksh: we have talked about it hundred times and my answer is always the same. But you guys don't understand it. And three of you promised me that day that you'll not talk to me about this topic again. Isn't it?

Arjun: we said that we'll not force you to get married and look we didn't force you. We just asked that FT not you.

Arjun says like an innocent child.

Laksh rolls his eyes at the over smartness of his brother.

Laksh: don't you think that these both things are related to each other?

Trio nods in no and then yes.

Laksh: yes or no?

Trio: yes!!

Laksh: then?

Sanskar: bhai, you remember Karan, your batchmate?

Laksh nods.

Sanskar: he's going to get married for the third time next week.

Laksh slaps his own forehead at this.

Arjun: ha, and that Rohit who was in your football team in college. His wife gave birth to his fourth child few days back.

Hearing all this Laksh was feeling like hanging himself.

Laksh: so what I have to do with their marriage and children?

He asks irritated.

Ryan: not much. Just bring us a bhabhi and then bhabhi will give us our nephew or niece. That's it!!

He says cutely while Sanskar and Arjun giggles.

Laksh: ho gya. You requested me and I'm denying to it AGAIN. Now, go to your rooms and this is the last warning to you all. If any one of you again raised this topic then don't know what I will end up in doing.

Trio scares and leaves to their rooms sadly.

The day ends.


Next day:


All the sisters were having their breakfast silently when Ragini broke the silence.

Ragini: Swara I have to talk to you. Uhm... something important.

Swara: ha di say it. What's the matter?

Ragini: I have started looking for a groom for you.

Swara (shocked): what? But di why so hurry? I mean you are elder to me you'll get married first.

Ragini: oh come on Swara, I have told you many times that I'll think about settling in life after you three. Then where's the point to talk about my marriage?

 Then where's the point to talk about my marriage?

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