Part - 99

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Hi guys 🙋
Ty so much for all your love and support to the story.



Ryan and Misha were standing outside the tents. Almost everyone were inside.

Ryan: you're sharing the tent with those two girls. I'm in this tent. (he points to a tent) Call me if there's any problem. Ok.

Misha: I can handle every problem. You don't need to worry about me.

Ryan: I know but still.

Misha: why are you being so nice to me?

She asks confused. Ryan sighs.

Ryan: because we're away from the house. Only we two are here and we're a family. I feel that you're my responsibility.

He leaves saying this. Misha was looking at the tent in which he entered.

Misha: Mr bandar is not that bad.

She smiles and enters into her tent.



Raglak enters inside the house. Ragini directly goes to the kitchen to see Naina and Swara while Laksh leaves for the room.

Ragini: so, had dinner?

Swara: ya, were just going to sleep.

Ragini (smiling): okay, good night.

Swarna: good night di.

Trio leaves for their respective rooms. Ragini enters inside the room. At the same time the lights goes off.

Ragini: god, what happened to this electricity now? I hate darkness. Laksh... Where are you?

Laksh: I'm here on the bed.

She was walking slowly, trying not to hit with anything. But her leg hit's with the bed and her body hit's with Laksh's who was sitting on the bed and both of them falls back on the bed. Both of their chests merges and their breaths stops for a second. After a silence of few seconds.

Laksh: Ragini...

Ragini: sorry, I couldn't see you. It's so dark. Wait, you're not wearing your shirt?

She asks as she moves her hands on his body.

Laksh: I was wearing that only when you fell over me. And don't take advantage of the situation.

Ragini could imagine him rolling his eyes. She giggles.

Ragini: I'm not taking advantage of anything, ok.

Laksh: ya... Some ghost is moving her hands over my body.

Ragini: ghosts are not having that right. Only I have that right. Understand!!

Laksh: yes, madam...

Both laughs. Just then the lights turns on. Ragini was now able to see her husband. Laksh's hands were behind her back. Both were now looking in each other's eyes. Laksh moves his hand from her back to the front and tucks her hair behind her ear while his other hand was moving on her back. He cups her left cheek in his right hand. Ragini wasn't looking in his eyes now. She has closed her eyes. Laksh moves her a little upwards so that they were face to face now. Ragini opens her eyes and meets his which were staring her without blinking and were admiring her beauty. She gives him her most gorgeous smile and blinks her eyes several times. He was extremely lost in her. There was complete silence in the room, only their raised heartbeats were hearable. None of them said anything. Ragini was feeling herself burning under his intense gaze. Laksh was having a proud kind of feeling seeing his affect on her and her antics were just too much for him to maintain control. He takes a swift turn and now he was above her. Ragini turns her face away feeling shy. Laksh holds her chin and makes her look at him. He moves his face towards her's. Ragini again closes her eyes as her hands goes to his shoulders. He kisses on her right cheek. Ragini tightens her grip on his shoulders. He then kisses her left cheek. She bites on her lower lip trying to control herself from falling weak. But it was working another way for her husband. It was tempting him to capture her those fluffy lips. He starts moving his face towards her's. Ragini's heart starts pounding in her chest. Her breathing get's uneven as he keeps on decreasing the distance between their lips. Their lips were mere inches away from meeting but right at that moment a phone starts ringing, bringing them back to their senses.

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