Part - 83

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Hello everyone 🙋
Thank you so much for all ur love to the story.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


Ryan was sitting in the hall when Ragini comes downstairs.

Ryan: bhabhi, you need anything? You should have called me.

Ragini rolls her eyes at him.

Ragini: arre yaar, it's just a small burn on my hand and you all are behaving like I have got paralyzed.

She twitches her lips.

Ryan: bhabhi...

Ragini: ok ok sorry. Let's go and cook something. I know you're a good cook.

Ryan: no, bhayu will kill me. If you want to eat something then tell me I'll make it for you or I'll tell the servants. You'll not go into the kitchen.

Ragini: ok, that means you're your bhayu's brother only, not my BIL. Only your bhayu matters to you. Who am I? Why you'll listen to me?

She says making a fake sad face.

Ryan looks at her shocked.

Ryan: no no bhabhi, there's nothing like that. You're misunderstanding me.

Ragini: really?

Ryan nods innocently.

Ragini: ok, let's go and make something to eat.

Ryan: but...

Ragini: arre chill, do you really think that I'll repeat the same mistake again and again? And you're also there with me. Let's go now.

She pulls him with her to the kitchen.


Ragini: uhm... let's make noodles and what would you like to eat?

Ryan: anything...

Ragini: anything? Is there any food item with the name anything? I never knew about it.

Ryan looks at her with an open mouth.

Ragini laughs seeing his expressions.

Ragini: relax my boy. I was just joking. What about spicy chillies? I was craving to eat something really spicy.

She says closing her eyes tightly.

Ryan: you can eat these things together? And this much spicy?

Ragini nods proudly.

Ragini: yes, and even your bhayu is not here. If he was here then he would have never let me eat all this. So, I'm taking advantage of the situation. Akdu Maheshwari.

She makes faces while Ryan chuckles. Both of them starts cooking.

Ragini: god, I'm feeling so hungry from the morning. Breakfast was like nothing.

She pouts.

After about one and half hour they were done. Both of them comes out with their food.

Ragini serves Ryan.

Ryan: enough bhabhi. I can't eat more than this.

Ragini: okay...

She too sit's besides him.

Ryan finished with himself. At that time only he get's a call. He excuses himself and leaves for his room.

Ragini finishes the rest of the food😳.

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