Part - 89

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Hello everyone 🙋
Thank you so much for all your love and support.


Laksh: it's an official announcement. From now, Gadodia Industries will work under Maheshwari Industries but with their own name. Maheshwari Industries are taking over the Gadodia Industries.

All starts clapping while the sisters were looking at him surprised. Ragini's eyes wells up. Laksh moves towards Ragini and takes her towards a table and gives her the pen and the papers to sign.

Laksh: I'm sorry, I didn't get time to talk to you but there's no other way to save the company.

Ragini: I know whatever you'll do will be the best. Thank you love.

Laksh smiles.

Laksh: I thought you'll be happy with the surprise but you're crying.

He says wiping her tears. Ragini shakes her head. She takes the pen and signs on the papers. Laksh too signs on them. All claps happily.

Laksh: hmm... How was this one?

Ragini: awesome!!

Laksh: be ready for the next one.

Ragini looks at him with an open mouth. The party goes on and slowly the guests starts leaving. Only the brothers and the sisters were left.

All were sitting in the hall when Laksh gives some other papers to Ragini.

Ragini: what's this Laksh?

Laksh: college admission form. You're going to complete your MBA. I know you left it because of the responsibilities you got at that time and I also know that there's no need for you to complete it because you have your own fashion house but I feel you should do it. You can't let your one year to go waste. You should complete your degree. It's the matter of one year only.

Ragini was shocked with it.

Ragini: but how will I manage this? Office and house...

Laksh: don't worry, I talked to the principal. You just need to go to college only three days in a week, that too only for four hours. And I'm sure you can do it.

Ragini smiles as she looks at the form in her hands.

Ryan (excited): bhayu, bhabhi is going to join our college?

Laksh: the college is same but different branch. Seats were full in your college.

Ryan pouts sadly.

Laksh: say something! You didn't like it?

Ragini: I'll show you whether I liked it or not.

Laksh was looking at her with a confused face.

Ragini: guys, close your eyes.

All: what? Why?

Ragini: I said close your eyes. It's an order. You too Mr Maheshwari.

Laksh was about to say something but stops remembering his promise. Everyone closed their eyes with confused minds.

Ragini takes a step towards Laksh and kisses on his cheek. Laksh immediately opens his eyes in shock. His mouth was wide open. Ragini chuckles and closes his mouth.

Ragini: you all can open your eyes now.

They opens their eyes.

Swara: di, why you made us to close our eyes?

Arjun: what you did?

Ragini: uhm... nothing, it's late. Let's go to sleep now.

After a few seconds Laksh too comes out of the shock.

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