Part - 80

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Both of their's eyes were closed and they were leaning towards each other, forgetting about everything. Only the distance of a few inches was left in between their lips.

"Bhai bhabhi, let's go.... " says the Mr always on wrong time entering inside the room.

//Tell me honestly, how many of you want to murder your favorite Aru right now😝?//

Both Raglak immediately opens their eyes. Laksh leaves her waist and both of them moves feets away from each other😂.

They were all red just like Kashmiri apples.

Even Arjun was red and embarrassed.

Arjun: I... I... I'm... so... sorrryyy...

Words were not coming out of his throat after what he did.

Laksh moves his fingers in his hair. He was having a confused and stern look on his face. He leaves from there without uttering anything and directly goes to the washroom.

Ragini too composes herself and looks at Arjun angrily.

Ragini: you know what I just want to murder you right now.

She says gritting her teeth.

Arjun (rubbing his neck): sorry...

Ragini: say, why you were so much excited?

She asks irritated.

Arjun: wo actually we're playing truth or dare. So, I came to call both of you.

Ragini nods sadly.

Ragini: we're coming.

Arjun nods and starts leaving but turns back.

Arjun: bhabhi...

Ragini: what now?

Arjun: I hope bhai was not aggressive.

He chuckles giving her teasing looks while Ragini looks at him with an open mouth.

Ragini: Aru ke bachche...

Arjun runs out of the room.

Ragini (pouting): idiot, you came on the most wrong time and didn't let him go aggressive.

She stamps her feet on her bad luck.

Ragini: god, we were just about to kiss. I can't believe it. What happened to my husband suddenly?

She smiles with a blush.


Laksh was under the shower with a serious face.

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