Part - 90

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Hello everyone 🙋
Thank you so much for all your love and support.

This chapter is dedicated to shivika2405
May god give you all the happiness of the world. Keep smiling always😘❤.


Next day morning:

Ragini wakes up and finds her husband missing. She looks around the room and then towards the washroom but it's door was locked from outside.

Ragini: where he went early in the morning? He didn't even wake me up.

She get's up and leaves the room to look for him. She stops in the hall and looks at her sisters and brother in laws. They too looks at her and wishes good morning to her. Ragini wishes them back.

Ragini: uhm, where's Laksh?

Arjun: how come we know about him bhabhi? He slept with you. You must know na.

He spits out whatever comes in his mind. All others were looking at him with open mouths while Ragini's cheeks were heating up.

Sanskar: Aru, is this a way to speak?

Arjun (innocently): what wrong I said bhai? They're husband and wife. They sleep with each other only.

All others hit's their palms on their foreheads and shakes their heads.

Ragini (to divert the topic): I didn't find him in the room when I woke up. Where he went this early?

Swara: he must be somewhere in the house di.

Ryan: maybe, in the gym.

Ragini nods convinced as it's his daily routine. How can she forget it? She sighs and moves back to her room.

She takes out her clothes from the cupboard and leaves to take a shower. She comes back after sometime but Laksh wasn't back till now.

Ragini: why he's taking this long today?

She looks towards the balcony. Cold winds were coming from there. She goes there to close the balcony door when her eyes falls on her husband. Laksh was sleeping there on the garden chair. He was shrinking. Ragini was shocked seeing him.

Ragini: Laksh!!

She runs out of her room and passes by the hall. All looks at her confused and asks her about the matter but she runs out of the house, without answering them. They follows her.


Ragini runs to Laksh and pats on his cheek to wake him up.

Ragini: Laksh, get up.

Laksh moves a little and slowly opens his eyes. Till then others too reaches there. They were shocked to find Laksh there.

Laksh: hmm... What happened?

 What happened?

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