Part - 31

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Hlo everyone 🙋
First of all thank you so much for ur votes and beautiful comments. I'm very happy that u all r liking my story. Luv u all ❤.
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Enjoy reading.



The person's face is revealed to be one and only Arjun Maheshwari.

//Most of you guessed right. It was an easy guess though 😂.//

Arjun was shocked to hell seeing the person in front of him. His eldest brother Laksh Maheshwari.

Laksh was sitting on the couch in the hall keeping his one leg over the other and was giving dangerous looks to Arjun.

Ryan and Sanskar were there too.

At that time Arjun just wanted to dig a big hole in the earth and fall into it😂.

Laksh takes a deep breath and get's up from his place.

Arjun closes his eyes expecting the volcanic eruption😂. But when nothing reached his ears he opens his eyes only to find Laksh leaving for his room silently.

Arjun looks towards Ryan and Sanskar who gives him "we can't do anything" look in return.

He understands what is coming. He runs after Laksh and holds his hand.

Arjun: bhai, I'm sorry I'll not go outside in the night after this. This was the last time. Please.

But Laksh didn't utter a word.

He gently frees his hand from Arjun's hold and again starts leaving.

Arjun: please bhai please don't do this. Please pleaseee... bhai please... Forgive me last time. Please....

He holds his ears.

Arjun: look I'm holding my ears. But please don't do it. Don't go silently. Shout on me, scold me. But not this punishment, please bhai.

Laksh was not affected by this. He goes to his room and locks the door.

Arjun (shouting from outside): bhai please... Please forgive me. I'll not repeat it again. I promise. Bhai....

But got no response from Laksh.

He goes towards the other two.

Ryan: bhayu went to your room to check on you and he didn't find you there.

Sanskar (thinks): thank god I came back on time after meeting Swara. Otherwise......

He gulps.

Ryan: bhai, you shouldn't have done this. Bhai said to you not to go in late night parties but you didn't listen to him.

Arjun was feeling guilty.

Arjun: I know. But what to do now? He'll not talk to me.

Sanskar (keeping his hand on Arjun's shoulder): for now you go and sleep. We'll talk to bhai tomorrow.

Ryan too nods in agreement.

Arjun nods sadly. And trio dispersed to their rooms.


Next day:


There was hustle bustle in the house as the press conference was going to held at their home.

Sanskar and Ryan were checking the arrangements while Laksh is seen busy on a call. Arjun was no where to be seen.

Laksh: Sanky, everything is set.

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