Part - 61

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Hello everyone 🙋.
Ty sooooo muchhhh for all ur love to the story.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


The doctors runs inside the OT and the door gets closed.

The brothers hugs each other crying.

Arjun: he'll be fine na?

Sanskar: yes... He have to.

Ryan holds Ragini's hand.

Ragini looks up at him. She wipes her tears and keeps her other hand over his.

Ragini (determined): he has to come back. He promised me and Laksh Maheshwari never backs off from his words.

Ryan hugs her crying.

Just then a doctor comes out of the OT. All looks at him.

Doctor: it was a major accident. He has lost very much blood. His head is injured badly. Condition is serious and critical. It's a police case. So, police must be here anytime. We just want to ask you something before we start with the operation.

All: what?

Doctor: we'll touch the case only when you'll accept that if anything happens to him during the operation then we are not responsible for it.

All looks at him shocked.

Ragini (angrily): what are you saying?

Doctor: we're understanding your condition but it's necessary because it's a very critical case otherwise we'll not do the treatment. Please tell us fast. We don't have much time to waste. Patient needs immediate attention or you'll regret.

Ragini and the brothers looks towards each other with teary eyes.

All: ok, we agree.

The doctor nods and leaves for the OT again.

All: nothing will happen.


Sanskar and Ryan were sitting on the hospital chairs. Ryan was hugging him. Ragini and Arjun were sitting on the floor at different places. Their eyes were continuously flowing.

Arjun starts thinking of his days with his brother.



It was the day when Arjun's board exam result was going to come. The results were going to be declared in the evening and it was afternoon.

Arjun, Sanskar and Ryan were sitting in the hall looking at their elder brother who was moving here and there in tension.

Sanskar: bhai, relax. Result will be good only.

Arjun and Ryan nods.

Laksh: huh, I don't trust him a bit in case of studies.

He says looking at Arjun.

Arjun pouts.

Laksh: you wrote exams well na?

Arjun nods innocently.

Arjun: I wrote every answer neat and clean.

Laksh: and correct also?

He asks raising his eyebrow up.

Ryan and Sanskar chuckles. Arjun smiles showing all his pearls.

Arjun: yes, I wrote everything you taught me.

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