Part - 23

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Hlo everyone🙋
Next part is here. After this part ur pov about Laksh will change.



Laksh: what are you waiting for now? Go and sleep. It's quite late.

Ryan: uhm... bhayu, the girl is not Kavya Malhotra.

Laksh: what? Then?

Arjun: we were just trying to know if you'll agree to marry ANY GIRL whom we choose? Anyone...

Sanskar: we'll never let you marry that chudail Kavya, not even in our nightmares.

Laksh rolls his eyes and gives them "unbelievable" look.

Laksh: then who's the girl?

Trio looks at each other.

Laksh looks at them in confusion.

Laksh: what happened now?

Trio (in a voice which was not even audible to themselves😂): RG

Laksh: I didn't hear that. Say it loud.

Trio (again in same pitch): RG

Laksh (gritting his teeth): can you please say it a little loud so that I can hear it?

He says stressing each and every word.

Trio (closing their eyes and a little loud): RG!!

Laksh: oh...

Realising what he heard, he looks at them with wide open eyes.

Laksh (confirming): did you just say RG?

Trio opens their eyes and nods innocently.

Laksh (shocked): RG!!!

They again nods.

Laksh: are you guys insane? You want me to marry that All India Radio. You don't love me?

Trio chuckles at his last sentence.

Laksh: I'm not going to marry her at any cost.

Arjun: bhai please. She's just perfect for you, for us, for our family.

Sanskar: Arjun is saying right bhai. She's the best girl for you. Waise bhi, you said that you'll marry any girl of our choice and Laksh Maheshwari never backs off from his words.

Laksh: no ways!!

Ryan: bhayu, please try to understand. She's a nice lady, having all the qualities which we want in your wife and our bhabhi.

Laksh: how you three even got this idea in your stupid brains?

Trio looks at each other and then at Laksh and goes into flashback, when they got this idea.



Three of them were sitting in Sanskar's room.

Arjun was making a list about the qualities the girl should have.

Ryan: so bhai, what all you wrote?

Arjun: she must be beautiful, cute, smart, intelligent, traditional as well as modern, mature, understanding, good natured, bhai is silent so she should talk more, bhai is strict so she should be naughty, she should be "happy go lucky" types.................. so on😂.

As he finished with his list he looks towards Ryan and Sanskar who were lost somewhere.

Arjun shakes them.

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